Friday, February 7th, 2025

How To Stop Bleeding: If the blood is not stopping due to injury, then try these remedies, the bleeding will stop

It is very common to get cuts and injuries while doing any work. If it is a normal scratch or cut, it gets cured by applying medicine, but sometimes the blood keeps coming out continuously. The bleeding is so much that it does not stop even after many attempts. In such a case, one has to go to the doctor and get the wound bandaged. But many children and even adults are afraid of doctors. That is why they do not want to go to the doctor.

Then sometimes the doctor is far away from home or is not available, then it does not matter. There are some methods with the help of which you can stop bleeding at home. It will not cost you money and the injury will also heal very quickly. But keep in mind that these remedies are only for small cuts and wounds, if there is excessive bleeding, go to the doctor immediately.
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Apply pressure with your hands

If there is a lot of bleeding from the cut area, it can be easily controlled. National Health Institute A study published in has suggested a home remedy to stop bleeding. According to this, place a clean cloth on the bleeding area and press it with both hands. Maintain pressure until the bleeding stops. Remove it after about 5 minutes and you will see that the bleeding has stopped.
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Use of tea bags

Use of tea bags

Used tea bags are an excellent home remedy to stop bleeding. This is especially effective for bleeding in gums. For this, wrap green tea extract in a doctor’s bandage. After getting a tooth extracted, keep it on the bleeding area for some time. The bleeding will stop and there will be no pain.

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Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is also a good remedy to stop any kind of bleeding in the body. It has antiseptic properties, which heal wounds quickly. If there is an injury and bleeding, apply aloe vera gel on that place, the bleeding will stop immediately. According to a study published in Science Direct, aloe vera contains a bioactive compound called esmanni, which helps in quick recovery from injuries.

Photo Credit: Freepik

Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly

If you have petroleum jelly in your house, you can take its help. It heals any wound very quickly. For this, just apply petroleum jelly on a doctor’s bandage and wrap it on the wound. It will absorb the blood and freeze it there, which will stop the bleeding.

Photo Credit: Freepik

Lift the cut part up

Lift the cut part up

Elevating the injured part stops the bleeding. If your arm is injured and the blood is flowing continuously, then immediately elevate it. If the cut is on your leg, then you can use pillows to elevate your legs.

Photo Credit: Freepik

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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