Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

How to become strong support during panic attack, priceless tips to get relief from nervousness

Having a panic attack can be an overwhelming and sometimes scary experience – not only for the person in the middle of the attack – but also for their well-wishers and loved ones. Many times they want to help them but they are unable to help.

In fact, sometimes it becomes challenging to know what to say or do to bring the victim back to normal. At the same time, it can be difficult for someone who is trying to help to keep their emotions in check, especially if you are the one who does not fully understand what is happening.

But if you follow your courage and some tips mentioned here, then you can normalize your close ones who suffer from panic attacks.

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What is a panic attack?

First of all it is important to know that panic attack What happens in. It is a state of intense and sudden anxiety or fear,

In which the person feels a lot of fear or nervousness. During a panic attack, many types of physical and mental symptoms start appearing in the person. These attacks usually begin suddenly for no apparent reason and can last from a few minutes to hours.

Panic attack symptoms

Panic attack symptoms
  1. panic button
  2. to tremble
  3. feeling cold
  4. Chest pain
  5. to sweat
  6. fear of dying
  7. palpitations
  8. feeling pain in stomach
  9. nausea or vomiting
  10. having strange thoughts
  11. tingling sensation in hands and feet
  12. feeling uneasy and weak

If someone has a panic attack then follow these things

If someone has a panic attack then follow these things
  1. Listen to the person and ask what he/she or she is trying to say.
  2. Try to distract them.
  3. Stay with them and never leave them alone.
  4. Try to relax them.
  5. Make them feel that they are safe and nothing will happen to them. Give them water and try to lighten the atmosphere a bit with them.

What not to do when having a panic attack

What not to do when having a panic attack
  1. Do not panic or show your nervousness in front of those who have had a panic attack.
  2. Do not try to give them any kind of advice or opinion but listen to them.
  3. Never leave them alone.
  4. Don’t ask them too many questions.
  5. Don’t make up your own mind about what they want and what they don’t.



If a friend or loved one of yours is having a panic attack for the first time or it is a very serious situation, ask them to see a doctor.

Many symptoms of panic attack heart attack Therefore, it is better not to take any risk in this situation and immediately take the victim to a healthcare expert.

Keep in mind that it is important to make them realize that there is no need to be ashamed of panic attacks at all. This is a normal condition and can be controlled with the right medicine and therapy.

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