Friday, October 18th, 2024

How is a test tube baby born? IVF Expert explained in simple language

It is every woman’s dream to become a mother, but many women are unable to conceive naturally due to various reasons and have to look for other options. IVF treatment is one of them. What is IVF, how is it done, how safe is it, who can take its help, and how much does it cost. IVF expert Gauri Agarwal is answering every important question related to IVF here.

​IVF, test tube baby or baby in tube​

IVF is known by different names. Some people call it ‘test tube’ baby, some people call it ‘get a baby in the tube’. Actually, the full form of IVF is ‘in vitro fertilization’. In today’s time, it is a very simple technology. Those couples whose both fallopian tubes are blocked, who have less eggs, who have low sperm count, or who have fibroid endometriosis (severe PCOD) in the uterus, they can take the help of IVF. It is also for those people who have been married for many years but are unable to have a child despite all efforts.

What happens in IVF, how does it start?

What happens in IVF, how does it start?

The process of IVF is very simple. All the couples who go for IVF, first of all they are given proper counseling. They are told what is the complete procedure of IVF. After this, some tests are done for both male and female, so that important things can be checked. Sperm test is done for men, egg test is done for women. Apart from this, some basic tests like hemoglobin, sugar, thyroid, prolactin HIV etc. are done, so that these problems do not go to their child.

IVF is completely safe and not painful either

<strong>IVF is completely safe and not painful either</strong>” title=”<strong>IVF is completely safe and not painful either</strong>” src=” Times.jpg?width=540&height=304&resizemode=75″ data-colinimage=”true” loading=”lazy”/></div>
<p>On the day all this is happening, the woman’s husband’s sperm is taken and then an egg and a sperm are fused in a special machine to form an embryo. In the next step, a 5-day-old embryo, called a blastocyst, is transferred to the female’s womb. After this entire process, you can do all your work comfortably, you just have to keep a distance from stress. Overall, those who think that IVF is a very painful process should not be afraid of it.</span></section>
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What is the process of IVF and what happens in it?

<strong>IVF’s </strong><strong>What is the process and what all goes into it?</strong>” title=”<strong>IVF’s </strong><strong>What is the process and what all goes into it?</strong>” src=” Times.jpg?width=540&height=304&resizemode=75″ data-colinimage=”true” loading=”lazy”/></div>
<p>After all the necessary tests are done, the female is given hormonal injections for 10 days from the second day of the period which create follicles in the ovaries. Inside these follicles is an egg, which grows further. In the next 10 days, when these follicles grow to 18 to 20 mm, we make the woman unconscious for 5 minutes and prick these follicles through ultrasound and remove the fluid and egg from them and give the embryos inside to the lab. There is no cutting or surgery in this. ‘It’s only a needle pick’. It is a 5 to 10 minute procedure and the patient goes home the same day.</span></section>
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IVF Expert’s Tips for Couples

<strong>IVF Expert’s Tips for Couples</strong>” title=”<strong>IVF Expert’s Tips for Couples</strong>” src=” Times.jpg?width=540&height=304&resizemode=75″ data-colinimage=”true” loading=”lazy”/></div>
<p>If you are thinking about IVF, then you should start preparing for it in advance. Healthy lifestyle and positive approach are the most important in this. Eat good food, stay away from smoking and alcohol consumption, exercise. These are some ways, with the help of which sperm and egg can be kept healthy, which is very important for IVF. Apart from this, strictly follow the guidelines of your doctor. If the doctor is saying that medicines and injections have to be given at this time, then it is important. Remember IVF does not guarantee a child 100 percent, but if its process is done properly then success is definitely achieved.</p>
<p><b>Disclaimer:</b> This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.</p>

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