Friday, March 21st, 2025

Holi 2025: How to take off hangover after Holi party? Try these 5 easy tips

As soon as the festival of Holi arrives, color, fun and delicious dishes are popular. It is also a special tradition of this day to enjoy cold and cannabis, but sometimes drinking more cannabis can make the next day full of headache, dizziness and fatigue. The body becomes dull due to the hangover and does not feel like doing anything. In such a situation, it is important that the effect of cannabis should be removed properly, so that you can feel energetic again.

According to Dr. Piyush Mishra, General Physician and Immunization Officer, North East District, New Delhi, if you too are sitting in the fun of Holi and are getting upset with its effect, then there is no need to panic. You can remove it soon by adopting some home remedies. Drinking the right amount of water, eating light food and giving rest to the body, all these things can help reduce the effects of cannabis. This will not only improve your mood, but the body will also feel energetic as before.

The effect of cannabis falls apart on every person, but if it is controlled at the right time, the hangover can come down quickly. You can feel refreshed on the next day of Holi with the right diet, hydration and some Ayurvedic remedies. Let’s know some effective tips, which will help you get out of cannabis intoxication quickly. (Photo Credit): ISTOCK

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated

Cannabis can increase dehydration in the body, which can make the head look heavy. Drink plenty of water to avoid this. Consuming coconut water or fresh juice will also bring toxin out of the body and you will get quick relief.

Drink lemonade

Drink lemonade

Lemon has natural detox properties, which help reduce the effects of cannabis. Squeeze lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. This will calm the mind and the hangover will come down quickly.

Eat light and healthy food

Eat light and healthy food

Heavy and fried food can be difficult to digest, so eat light food. Eat khichdi, oatmeal or fresh fruits, which will give relief to the stomach and gradually reduce the effect of cannabis.

Take a little rest

Take a little rest

If you are feeling dizzy or weakness, then lie down and close your eyes and relax. Getting good sleep will make the brain fresh and hangover will quickly go away.

Drink basil-ginger tea

Drink basil-ginger tea

Hot tea made of basil and ginger helps to detox the body. This can relieve problems like headache and nausea quickly.

By adopting these easy measures, you can feel fresh and energetic even after the fun of Holi!

Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and impact.

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