Sunday, December 22nd, 2024

Hindi Diwas Kavita: 6 great Hindi Diwas poems for students, if you read them in school then first prize is yours!

Bhartendu Harishchandra’s poem on mother tongue Hindi

Developing one’s own language is the key to every development
Without knowledge of one’s own language, the pain in the heart cannot be removed.
Even after studying English, one becomes proficient in all qualities
But without knowledge of one’s own language, one remains as inferior as the inferior.

Progress is complete only when the house progresses
Everyone improves his/her body and remains foolish.
Without the development of our own language, we will not be able to sleep
Who can try many solutions like this?

One language, one life, one mind, all people of the same family
Then everything is done, and the foolish sadness vanishes.
And another great advantage is this, which I write about
Whatever you want to say about knowledge, do it in your own language.

Everyone who listens to this will gain benefit
This quality is never present in language and in me.
Miscellaneous art knowledge Amit, many types of knowledge
Take from all nations, preach in tongues.

Everything is different in India, that is why there is chaos
Different countries write languages ​​differently.
Leaving all this aside, there are other solutions
Oh brothers, develop the language.

Hindi Day – Poem on adorning the forehead – Dr Jagdish Vyom

Hindi Day - Poem on adorning the forehead - Dr Jagdish Vyom

Hindi is the ornament on the forehead of Mother India
Hindi is the spring of the garden of Hindustan
My mother fed me by mixing it with the powder
The voice is bursting out, that is Malhar in Hindi

For Tulsi, Kabir, Sur and Raskhan
Hindi is the stream that flows from Brahma’s kamandal
Talking about principles will not do any good
Will you adopt Hindi in your daily life?

When the boat gets stuck in a stormy vortex
That day it will take you across, that rudder is Hindi
I agree that it has been kept in the constitution but
Today Hindi is torn apart between the pages

The sky trembles on hearing your sigh
When the time comes, this Hindi will become a sword

Hindi Day Poem – Jai Hindi – Pratibha Garg

Hindi Day Poem - Jai Hindi - Pratibha Garg

Hindi is born from Sanskrit,
Hindi is a symbol of purity.
Both writing and speech,
Hindi makes us proud.

Hindi is a highly cultured and rich language,
Hindi takes you on the right path.
Rivers of knowledge and grammar,
Together we create the ocean of source, Hindi.

Hindi is the identity of our culture,
Hindi is respect and honour.
Pride language of our country,
Hindi is a wonderful feeling.

Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s poem on Hindi Diwas

Atal Bihari Vajpayee's poem on Hindi Diwas

echoed in the hindi world
dream come true
from the League of Nations
cheers for hindi
cheers for hindi
spoken in hindi hindi

love your country and your language
The world is in danger
Says the prisoner poet
Mem’s illusion is broken
blessed be mother india
A river of affection burst forth!

Hindi Day – Poem by Girija Kumar Mathur

Hindi Day - Poem by Girija Kumar Mathur

The one string that ties everybody
she is hindi
Who considers every language as her real sister
That is Hindi.

All bids should be full
this is the wish in hindi
Deepening mutual recognition
this is sadhana in hindi

Rani, the co-wife should remain a foreigner
this is the feeling in hindi
synonym, derivative, native, foreign
embraces all colours

as you wish to speak
That same sweet one, that one pleases the heart.

Maithili Sharan Gupt’s poem on Hindi Day

Maithili Sharan Gupt's poem on Hindi Day

Love your language.
Without which you would remain mute, all activities would stop.
In which the son says to the father, the wife is the life support,
And in which you reveal your entire thoughts.
Just expand it.
Love your language.
Without language even divine knowledge goes to waste,
This gift of God is greater than all other gifts.
Its benefits are innumerable.
Love your language.
This is what gives you the wisdom of your ancestors,
And it will give good news to your future also.
Make it a necklace.
Love your language.

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