Sunday, September 29th, 2024

Heart attack occurs in both winter and summer, following these health tips will prevent the heart from stopping prematurely

Due to change in weather, problems like cold, flu, fever etc. often occur. But do you know that we should also take special care of our heart during changing weather. Yes, you heard it right, change in weather has a bad effect on our heart health. Be it winter or summer, the risk of heart attack remains.

Since heart attacks can occur in both seasons, we should take special care of certain things. Especially if you already have heart disease, you should be more cautious.
(Photo courtesy: freepik)

Causes of heart attack in summer

NHI (Reference) According to health experts, the risk of heart attack increases due to heat waves in summer. Due to heat, when the body tries to control its internal temperature, the heartbeat increases. Apart from this, sweating occurs and blood vessels start dilating. This also has a profound effect on heart health. According to health experts, people who already have heart related diseases are more affected by the change in weather.

Heat causes heart exhaustion and can also cause heat stroke. Heart failure or heart attack can also occur due to stress on the circulatory system. Heart attack can also occur due to dehydration in summers, because in this season we sweat a lot which causes a lack of water in the body. Due to dehydration, the blood becomes very thick and the heart has to face a lot of difficulties in pumping.

Why does the risk of heart attack increase in winter?

Why does the risk of heart attack increase in winter?

In winters, the blood vessels get constricted, due to which the blood flow decreases and the heart has to work harder. In this situation, the heart is under a lot of pressure and the chances of heart attack increase, especially those who already have heart disease are at a higher risk.

Apart from this, the blood pressure level also remains high in the cold season and this is also a big reason for heart attack. Since in this season the veins shrink and become hard due to which there is a lot of pressure on the heart for blood supply and blood pressure increases. Blood pressure can be high not only in cold weather but also in summer.

Causes of heart attack at a young age

Keep blood pressure under control

Keep blood pressure under control

To control blood pressure, first of all you have to take care of your diet. Avoid excessive salt intake. Salt not only increases the blood pressure level but also retains water in the body. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Apart from this, you can also consume low-fat dairy products. To keep blood pressure normal, you have to stay away from stress, as well as you have to control your weight.

Do a walk or workout like this

Do a walk or workout like this

If you have heart disease and you have had a heart attack, then avoid getting up early in the morning during winters. You should also avoid exercising or working out early in the morning. You should not work too hard during summers. Go for a walk during cold weather. If you are exercising indoors, then take full care of ventilation.

drink this much amount of water

drink this much amount of water

Heart patients also need to take care of their water intake. Avoid drinking too much water on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning. Drinking too much water will cause difficulty in pumping the heart and in such a case there is a possibility of a heart attack. You must take advice from your doctor about how much water you should consume. It is very important for you to stay hydrated in summers but you should also know how much water you should drink.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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