Thursday, February 6th, 2025

Health is nearing emergency, life expectancy of Delhiites is decreasing by 11.9 years, report is scaring

New Delhi: Delhi’s AQI was recorded at 445 on Wednesday evening. How severe the stage is can be gauged from the fact that after AQI reaches 450 level, it is declared a health emergency. The people of Delhi are living in such a situation and are forced to inhale these polluted particles with every breath. The effect of PM 2.5 is like smoking. According to a Chicago study, the average lifespan of Indians is reduced by 5.3 years due to pollution, but the average lifespan of Delhiites is reducing by 11.9 years. Experts say that Delhi is one of the most polluted cities in the world. The annual average polluted particles in Delhi are 25 times more than the standards set by WHO. Dr GC Khilnani, Lung Specialist, PSRI Hospital, said that I see many patients who, after a minor viral infection, suffer from prolonged cough, shortness of breath and There is a problem of wheezing. Sometimes steroids are needed to control them. An example of increased mortality due to air pollution and viral infections was seen in northern Italy, where the death rate was three times higher than in less polluted southern Italy.

These countries found a solution

In 1952, 12,000 people died due to smog in London, which was mainly due to the deterioration of air quality due to industrialization (especially coal burning). Since then, developed countries have taken this problem seriously and today the situation is such that the major part of diseases and deaths due to air pollution is in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

At one time, California was as polluted as Delhi, but due to strict rules, now PM 2.5 levels have come down to around 10, while the number of vehicles has increased significantly. After the implementation of the Clean Air Act in America, pollution reduced by 64.9%. China also reduced air pollution by 43.3% after 2013, increasing life expectancy by 2.2 years. The main causes of air pollution in India are automobile vehicles, industries (especially small industries) and rampant construction work. All these are related to human activities, hence it is possible to reduce them only through strict rules and measures.

Masks are effective only to some extent

Dr. Khilnani said that 30 years ago, nebulization machines were rare in homes, but now it has become a common thing in every home in Delhi, especially in homes with children and elderly people. It is important to point out that there is no scientific evidence to avoid the side effects of air pollution by using air purifiers or masks.

Dr. Bobby Bhalotra of the Respiratory Department of Gangaram Hospital says that ordinary masks are not effective. But, N99 and N95 are effective to some extent. People can go out using this mask. But even this does not completely protect from pollution. If you are running, jogging or cycling, do not wear a mask at that time, it can cause problems.

The longer the breath, the more pollution

Dr. Sandeep Nayyar, respiratory expert of BLK Hospital, said that people have stopped even taking morning walks. As doctors, we are also advising everyone to do the same. The more you walk, the faster you walk, the more you will breathe. The more you breathe, the more pollution will go inside. Therefore, it is better not to do any activity.

no level safe

Dr. Khilnani said that I believe that no level of air pollution is safe. This is why WHO has reduced the air quality standard for PM 2.5 to 5 ug/m3, whereas India’s standard is 40 ug/m3. It is important to follow the rules set by the government. It is the collective responsibility of all of us Indian citizens to control this problem.

Effects of dust, smoke and pollution

Dust and Smoke: These are two reasons due to which such a situation is arising. Both of these have to be stopped.
Smoke: The smoke may come from a car, a factory, a cigarette or for some other reason. Due to this, particulate matter and gas reach the air.
dust: It comes from roadside soil, construction, fields and barns, it contains both PM 10 and PM 2.5.
10 pm: These particles directly affect the throat, eyes and nose.
PM 2.5: These are such small particles that they reach the lungs through the nose. Go into the blood. People who are allergic have a reaction to particulate matter in their bodies. There is swelling in the respiratory tract. Shortness of breath increases. To reduce swelling, nebulizer and steroids have to be used.

what can people do

  • Stay at home as much as possible, go out less
  • Install air purifiers in homes
  • Wear N-95 mask if you go out, surgical and cloth masks do not work.
  • Get flu vaccine every year in September-October
  • Everyone should get pneumococcal vaccination to avoid pneumonia
  • Plant indoor plants that clean the air
  • Keep taking the medicine, do not stop the medicine
  • If there is any problem, consult a doctor
  • If the problem is not reducing even after increasing the dose of the medicine, then admission is required.

how to protect

  • Keep mopping the house with wet mop, keep the windows of the room closed, but also maintain good ventilation.
  • Also avoid white washing. Try not to do any construction work inside the house right now.
  • Avoid burning anything inside the house. For example, not wood, candles and even incense sticks.
  • The biggest advantage of planting plants indoors is that they increase the ratio of oxygen inside the house.
  • Plant money plant, it easily survives indoors
  • Erica palm plant is helpful in filtering the air and making it clean.
  • Don’t forget your asthma inhaler, take it with you to the bathroom if possible.
  • Aloe vera has many medicinal properties, it makes indoor air clean
  • Do not leave the house without a mask, the mask will protect you from both polluted air and Covid virus.
  • If there is no sunlight and fog in the sky, do not go for a morning walk.
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