Thursday, March 27th, 2025

he/she has become a father who discovers KL in DC Vs LSG match

Aathia Shetty and KL Rahul have baby girl on 24 March. On social media, this couple has shared the good news of their daughter’s birth. Both houses had a daughter in the month of March and like every month, there are some special things in the children born in this month. If you too have a child in the month of March or is going to be, then you can know in this article what are the characteristics in your child and what are the special things inside him/her. It may be that Aathia and Rahul’s daughter also have these qualities.

Image Credit: Instagram KL Rahul

Aathia Shetty and KL Rahul’s daughter

Emotional is strong

Girls born in March are very sensitive by nature and can deeply understand the feelings of others. They have the ability to quickly detect any situation and make the right decision. If your daughter is born in March, she will be emotionally strong.

All image credits: Freepic

Are creative

Are creative

Girls who are born in March are very creative. he/she may be interested in music, art and dance. Apart from this, these girls also have very sharp imagination, so that she sees the world from a different perspective.

She is calm but self -sufficient

She is calm but self -sufficient

Girls born in March are usually a calm nature, but when it comes to their self-esteem, they like to depend on themselves. She is encouraged to move forward in life on her own.

Are kind

Are kind

Girls born in this month have a lot of heart. They are always ahead in helping others. They also have a feeling of sympathy for others. The nature of these girls is very positive. She knows the art of being happy even in difficult times and makes her surroundings happy.

There are leadership properties

There are leadership properties

These girls have the ability to lead inside. They do any work very easily. They are eager to know the secrets of life and remain lost in their own world. These girls are also spiritual and deep thinking.

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