Users are asking peculiar questions from Grok
Social media users are asking various questions from Grok on Alan Musk’s platform X. In response to these, there is a disturbance in the facts and somewhere the wrong language is used. Sources say that answers are also being given in the provocative language, which is a matter of concern. Grok has also given many controversial answers to users, which are going viral on social media.
What is Grok AI Chatbot?
Groke AI, Alan Musk’s company is a new and AI chatbot manufactured by X AI. This chatbot is known for its impeccable style, which distinguishes it from other AI Chatbott. It also often answers questions that other chatbots survive. The grouke is integrated with X (Twitter), allowing it to get real-time information. This feature is available to the premium customers of X. Explain that Groke is based on a large language model (LLM), which is trained on a huge dataset. This machine works using learning and natural language processing (NLP) techniques.