Friday, February 7th, 2025

Get waterproofing done to protect the house from dampness in the rain, keeping these things in mind will not cause any problem

The rainy season brings with it many problems. Everything feels good initially when it rains after summer, the heart becomes happy with relief and comfort. But as the rain increases, the troubles also increase. Everyone’s house starts facing the problem of dampness, which not only spoils the walls but also makes them look dirty.

To avoid dampness in the rain, waterproofing should be done in time. Waterproofing should be done below the ground, on the roof, bathroom, kitchen, balcony and outside walls. Along with this, waterproofing should also be done inside the wall where the water pipe is going. That is why we are giving you important information about waterproofing.

There are two types of waterproofing

In Integral Waterproofing, waterproofing compound is mixed with cement and used for plastering and filling cracks. Whereas in Barrier Waterproofing, waterproofing compound is used for painting directly on the walls. In such a case, you can apply one or more coatings as per your requirement.

Injections are also used

Injections are also used

There are other methods of waterproofing such as injection grouting which is used to fill the cracks in the roof or wall. In this, waterproof chemical is filled in the cracks under high pressure. Due to pressure, the chemical goes inside and the crack gets filled completely. In this way, you can get rid of the problem of dampness.

Waterproofing can be done even after the house is built

Waterproofing can be done even after the house is built

You might be thinking that waterproofing should be done at the time of building the house, but this is not necessary at all. Waterproofing can be done later to avoid dampness, in this process, old paint is removed from the wall and waterproofing compound is used. Now it can be done either by mixing it in cement or like paint.

Cracks can be filled with paint, not cement

Cracks can be filled with paint, not cement

Often people use cement to fill cracks, but this does not eliminate the problem of dampness. Therefore, waterproofing compound should be used to fill cracks. If you want, you can also get waterproof paint done on the outer walls to avoid dampness. This paint is like plastic, with its help you can easily fill the cracks.

Buy waterproof paint like this

Buy waterproof paint like this

If you are buying waterproof paint, then keep some things in mind like the expansion of the paint should be between 200% to 600%. The ability to fill the cracks in the wall should be at least 2mm. Whereas after the paint dries, the thickness of the paint on the wall should be between 180 microns to 240 microns.

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