Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Follow the best diet formula to remain energetic and healthy even in the rising age

It is not possible to stop increasing age, but it is definitely possible to live life in a graceful, energetic and healthy way. As the age increases, there are many changes in our body and mind too, but if the right lifestyle is adopted, then these changes can be made quite positive.

It is most important to be healthy and happy for a long life. For this, you should do such things in which you get happiness. You can be happy by spending time with your family, playing goose, helping others and participating in social work.

According to Dr. Geeta Shroff, Director, Nubela Center for Woman Health, New DelhiRegular exercise, balanced diet, good sleep and positive thinking are essential for better life. If you take good care of your health, then the growing age remains just a number. You are always happy and energy

Take a balanced diet

The most important diet for healthy and graceful aging is the right diet. As our age increases, our body’s digestive power also starts to decrease but the body needs more nutritional elements. Therefore, include such things in your diet, which are easily digested and rich in nutrients. Eggs, lentils, soybeans, cheese for protein, oats for fiber, green vegetables, olive oil for healthy fats, nuts. Flax seeds for omega 3 fatty acids, fish. For calcium and vitamin D, milk, yogurt etc. must be included in your food.

Do physical exercise

Do physical exercise

Physically active always slows down our aging process. Also, bones and muscles remain strong even in old age. Exercise should also be chosen according to age. Include activities like walking, yoga, cycling, stretching, swimming, light weight training, normal walk, light exercise, meditation in your daily life. Exercise makes our bones quite strong. Heart related diseases are away and there is no lack of energy in the body.

have a good sleep

have a good sleep

Quality sleep is beneficial in everything. If the quality of sleep is good, then a person is energetic throughout the day. With increasing age, the quality of sleep is affected, so it is necessary to get good sleep for better health. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Make a distance from social media, mobile, TV before sleeping. Eat light food at night and do meditation before bedtime or you can also read a novel. If sleep is good, cells are repaired well in the body and the person remains energetic throughout the day.

Take care of mental health

Take care of mental health

It is important to keep mental health strong with increasing age. To avoid depression, stress, loneliness etc., we should also be active as well. Perform meditation and pranayama to stay fit. It reduces stress and helps to maintain mental peace. New language, new books, music etc. also keep us mentally active. Creating new friends, spending time with family and relatives is good for emotional and mental health. Avoid negativity of any form and learn to live life happy.

Get a regular health checkup

Get a regular health checkup

With aging, there is a danger of increasing diseases. Therefore, do your health checkup regularly. It is necessary to conduct tests related to blood sugar, blood pressure, heart related diseases, eyes and ears and bone density. With increasing age, the chances of these diseases are more. By checking up from time to time, the disease can be found and treated soon.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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