Cancer is a deadly disease and there are many different types. Breast cancer is a common cancer in women. In the year 2020, about 68,500 people worldwide have died of breast cancer. In the year 2024, so far only about 530 women have lost their lives in America. Recently, a shocking revelation has come to light that a scientist has successfully treated his/her breast cancer by using his/her own virus created in the lab.
49-year-old virologist Beata Halassi was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020. In such a situation, Beta decided to treat himself. he/she cured his/her breast cancer by injecting himself with a virus created in his/her lab. It is believed that she has been cancer free for the last four years and is living a healthy life. After this experiment of Beta, it has become a topic of discussion among big scientists.
Cancer occurred for the second time
Halasi is a virologist at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. According to the journal Nature, Halassi previously had cancer at the site of a mastectomy (surgical procedure to remove all or part of one or both breasts), in which her left breast was removed. But in the year 2020, he/she again developed cancer at the same place.
decided to treat myself

stage three breast cancerAfter this, Halasi decided to do his/her own treatment this time. he/she chose another option instead of chemotherapy. That is, Halassi studied this and treated herself with the help of Oncolytic Virus Therapy (OVT) and she was also successful.
oncolytic virus therapy

Oncolytic virus therapy is a virus that kills cancer cells. When infected cancer cells are destroyed, they release new infectious virus particles or virions to help destroy any remaining tumors. Along with eliminating cancer cells, OVT also strengthens the immune system. Most of the clinical trials of OVT have been done on late stage cancer patients, but for the last few years, these trials are also being done on early stage cancer patients.
treated like this

Halassi first injected the virus directly into the tumor. However, during this process, cancer experts constantly monitored his/her condition so that if any problem arose, it could be managed. However, no serious side effects occurred during the treatment andThe size of the tumor also decreasedSince the tumor had reduced in size, it was easily separated from the chest muscles and skin.
Beta used two types of viruses to eliminate cancer, one of which was measles virus and the other was vesicular stomatitis virus. Both these viruses have already been used in the treatment of cancer, especially the measles virus.
New way to prevent breast cancer

After this experiment of Halassi, a new direction has been found to prevent breast cancer. However, the reactions of researchers on this are also different. Beta wanted to publish her discovery, but about a dozen journals rejected her proposal. According to him/her, the reason for this rejection is self-experimentation in the research paper he/she wrote together with his/her colleagues.