Friday, March 28th, 2025

Fact Check: The persistent smile of a child in sleep is a sign of some disease, know the doctor’s tech before accepting the truth

Who does not like smiling of young children. By the way, children talk with them and have fun, then they laugh a lot. But even while sleeping, there is a smile on their face. Even in sleep, children smile, then the heart gets relaxed.

On Facebook Care of my baby The post on the video on the name of the name claims that if children in sleep continuously smile, there may be a sign of some disease. Relying on the matter without investigation can cause unnecessary problems for the baby. What is the claim and how correct, let’s know with the help of a doctor.

What is the claim?

Reel claims that Many reasons for baby laughing in sleep Can be. By the way, it is said that God laughs the children in their sleep or they laugh and laugh about their old memory. Many times, you feel smiling even after feeling the surrounding things. However, it is also said that if the child smiles in constant sleep, it is not normal. Maybe he/she has a disease or a mental illness.

Truth of claim

We have to know the truth of the claim Dr. Shaily Kapoor, Senior Consultant of Obsthetic and Gynecology of Narayana Hospital, Gurugram Talked to he/she has denied the claim. She says that if a child smiles continuously in sleep, it is not a sign of the disease.

Child’s smile in sleep is normal

According to the doctor, it is quite common and a positive sign of healthy brain development. Indeed, children experience different sleeves cycles, including REM sleep. There is the most likely to smile in this. During REM sleep, the brain remains very active. Therefore, the muscle movement with a smile can trigger the movement.

Part of smuggling natural development process

Smiling during sleep is associated with reflex action in newborns. Smile is part of the child’s natural development process. As children grow older, the reason behind their smile also changes. That is, when the child looks at an familiar face or recognizes the sound, he/she smiles.

Doctor’s advice

Doctors say that unless the baby has difficulty in breathing, excessive shaking or discomfort is not a matter of concern. Still, if you are worried about the child’s sleep pattern, then a doctor should be consulted.

What was the conclusion?

The claim in the investigation of the vigilant fact check team has been found to be incorrect. The doctor believes that there is no disease due to the frequent smuggling of the baby. Rather, his/her smile in his/her sleep touches the heart.

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