What does the claim say?
It has been reported in the reel that today millions of parents are upset due to not increasing the height of children. A recipe has been reported to increase the height. The user has told that in a pan, make powder by roasting sesame, 200 grams of makhana, 100 grams almonds and 100 grams of fennel. Put a teaspoon of powder in a glass of milk and drink it to the child. This will lead to rapid physical and mental development of your child.
Doctor’s tech
We did Bangalore to know the truth of the claim Consultant Pediatrician Dr. Syed Mujahid Hussain Talked to he/she has described this claim as Half True. According to him/her, all the ingredients mentioned in the claim are good and beneficial for the growth of the child, but their intake will not make the effect on the child’s height soon, it is not necessary.
Materials are full of nutrients
According to the doctor, it is true that the consumption of sesame, makhana, fennel and almonds will provide plenty of calcium, protein and other nutrients. But expecting that the child’s height will increase in 30 days or within two months is not correct.
Doctor’s advice
Doctors say that before adopting things seen on social media, please consult an expert. Because not every information mentioned on the social media is completely true.
What came out
In the investigation of a vigilant fact check team, half of the milk mixed with four things in milk is half incomplete truth to increase the height. Experts believe that many such things are told on social media, which confuse the person. Therefore, after such information, talk to your doctor before adopting them without thinking.