Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Fact Check: Police running meat hotel in Hindu dominated area of ​​Hathras? The truth of the video is shocking

New Delhi: It is said that what is seen by the eyes and what is heard by the ears is not always true. Many times an incident is presented in such a wrong way that the entire story changes. When the incident is investigated, it is revealed that this is a completely different matter. Similar is the story of that viral video, in which Mursan Police of Hathras is being targeted. It is being said in the video that an illegal meat hotel has opened in a Hindu dominated area and the police is also complicit in it. During the investigation by the alert team, this claim was found to be false. In the video that has been shared on social media, two youths are seen riding a bike and passing through a street. On the way, the bike stops for some time at a small hotel and asks questions to a minor child standing there. A young man sitting on a bike is also making a video from his/her mobile. After asking questions, both the youths leave from there.

What is the claim with the video?

This video has been tweeted from the X (Twitter) handle named ‘The Jat Association’. The post along with this 30-second video reads, ‘A request to all you Hindus. Share the post so much that it directly reaches Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Saheb. In Mursan of Hathras, Mughals are openly selling mud by building a hotel in a Hindu dominated area.

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The post further said, ‘Despite the strict orders of the Chief, the police department’s silent approach raises suspicion. It is a misery for Hindu women to live in a meat shop and their worship is meaningless. Still the Mursan police bows down before the Mughals. Hence a request to all you Hindu brothers. Make the post so viral that the collusion between Mursan Police and Mughals reaches Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Saheb and Baba can come to know the reality of such policemen. See post-

In the video, the youth is asking the minor boy whether goat meat is available here. When the boy refuses, the young men ask him/her if he/she can get cow meat. To this the boy replies that he/she gets only the cock and nothing else. The post has been reposted by 3842 people. CM Yogi Adityanath and CM Yogi office have also been tagged in this post.

What is the whole truth of the matter?

To know the truth of this claim, the alert team contacted the SHO of Mursan police station in Hathras over phone. When the SHO was asked about this viral video, he/she told that this claim is false. he/she said that on January 10, when the police was checking vehicles, these two youths were riding a bike without wearing a helmet.

he/she further said that the police took their photographs. However, these were not challaned. Angered by this, both of them made a video and posted it with a false claim. The area which the youth are claiming to be Hindu dominated, is a Muslim dominated area and that hotel has been running at that place for the last 6 years.

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A video has been posted on social media claiming that an illegal meat hotel is being run in the Hindu dominated area with the connivance of Mursan police. In the investigation of the Vigilant team, it was found that the youth riding the bike without helmet had shared this video with a false claim out of irritation with the police. That area is Muslim dominated and the hotel is running there for the last 6 years.

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