What is the claim of users?
On Instagram, a user named Love Guru shared the video and wrote that there has been a big accident at Mumbai Airport. There has been a loss of 47 thousand crores due to fire.
At the same time, another Instagram user Priyanka_Sharma_1800 has also shared the viral video on its page. It is written on this video that 1300 people have died due to fire at the airport.
What is the truth of viral video?
When the team’s team tried to investigate the video that was going viral on social media, it was found that no such accident had happened at Mumbai Airport. First of all, the team’s team checked the viral video with Google lens, then no social media posts other than these two posts were found. After that we checked the Mumbai airport accident on Google, then we did not get any posts related to this viral claim.
After that we took out the kefem of viral video and checked her picture with AI Tool Wasitai.com. According to the results, the viral picture turned out to be AI generated.
See result

We then uploaded another keframe of viral video to Decopy.ai. According to the results, viral picture can be generated up to 92 percent AI.
See result

conclusion: AI generate came out in the video investigation of the Mumbai airport accident, which is going viral on social media. The viral video is made from AI. There has been no such accident at Mumbai Airport. Users are sharing it with false claims.