Saturday, March 29th, 2025

Fact Check: In the first pregnancy, the stomach looks small, the doctor said- ‘There is no truth in the claim’

A woman’s body goes through several changes during pregnancy. Due to hormonal change and increasing weight of a child, women start appearing stomach. Usually in pregnancy, the stomach starts appearing between 12 and 16 weeks. However, some start to appear stomach soon after 20 weeks, called baby bump.

Some people believe that the woman Stomach short in first pregnancy Looks. On Instagram Sonisahnitips The reel on the name account also claims this. Women who do not see stomach in the first pregnancy quickly are scared to hear such things and they get unnecessarily stressed. Before you reach any conclusion, it is also important to know the truth of the claim. The vigilant fact check team investigated this claim and the whole truth of the claim to the doctor. What the doctor said, you should also know.

What is the claim?

In the claim, the user has told that if a woman is pregnant for the first time, then her stomach can see her stomach. This is because muscles are joint from each other.

Truth of claim

We have to know the truth of the claim Bangalore’s Obstetrician and Gynecologist Dr. Manjula NV Talked to he/she has described the claim as a myth. According to him/her, there is no truth in the fact that the baby bump looks small in the first pregnancy.

Learn from doctor

According to the doctor, in the first pregnancy, the Abdoman tone between 12 and 14 weeks is good. Therefore, the size of the baby is known. While in second pregnancy, the abedominal fat becomes high, which increases the stomach, but the baby bump is not able to be seen easily.

Baby bump size depends on medical condition

According to the doctor, many times the stomach size starts to look big due to twins pregnancy. On the other hand, if a woman has a problem of diabetes or fibroid, then the size of Abdoman will appear larger than normal.

Doctor’s advice

The doctor’s pregnant women advise the doctor not to believe such things. Take care of the health of yourself and the child. The size of baby bump depends on every woman’s body and some medical condition, so there is no need to worry.

What was the conclusion?

Claims myths have been found in the investigation of the vigilant fact check team. The doctor believes that the pregnant should pay attention to the development of her baby. Consult your doctor for such things.

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