Friday, March 21st, 2025

Fact Check: First Altrasound reveals the right delivery date, doctor told the whole truth of the claim

As soon as he/she conceives, a woman wants to know her delivery date first. It is believed that with the help of the first altrusound in pregnancy, the absolutely accurate delivery date is detected. Especially for women who forget their last period date to find the delivery date for them First altrasound Good way. Intagram reel Just_drrajavedkar Also in Delivery date Something similar is being claimed about. Many things related to pregnancy are accepted by women without examining the truth, which can cause harm. In such a situation, we talked to the doctor to investigate this claim and know how true it is.

What does the claim say?

In the reel, the user has told that many women forget their period date, so that the correct delivery date is not known. In such a situation, she wants to know which ultrasound tells the correct date of delivery. Pregnancy usually consists of three altrasounds and all have a delivery date. But let us tell you that trust on the delivery date mentioned in the first ultrasound. Do not pay attention to the date mentioned in any other altrasound.

Doctor’s tech

To know the truth we Dr. Ranjana Dhanu, Consultant of Gynecology and Abstatrics of PD Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Center Talked to he/she told that every mother is excited to know about her delivery date. EDDs can be counted from the first day of the last period in women with regular periods. The problem in calculating the expected date of delivery causes women whose periods are irregular.

It is difficult to find out the delivery date of women with pcod

According to the expert, women suffering from PCOD (polycystic ovarian disease) are very irregular in view of the condition of chronic anonymity. The periods of women suffering from hypothyroidism or hyperprolactinmia are also irregular.

Women who conceive during breastfeeding also fall into this category. Early ultrasound is useful in such women. The CRL (Crown Rump length) is calculated in 8 weeks and may be a reliable sign of the expected date of delivery.

How to calculate delivery date

Calculating the possible date of delivery through ultrasound helps test some before delivery with USG:

  • NT scan – 12 weeks
  • Anomli scan – in 19th week
  • Cardiac anomali scan – 23-24 weeks

Usg also beneficial in these conditions

  • Adopic pregnancy
  • Twin pregnancy
  • Heterotopic pregnancy
  • Pregnancy associated with ovarian system
  • Non -Vable Pregnancy

Doctor’s advice

The doctor says that in the last three decades, ultrasound in pregnancy has helped pregnant women and their doctors to plan safe pregnancy results. Therefore, altrasound must be done in pregnancy.

What was the conclusion?

The fact check made by the vigilant team revealed that the claim to find the correct date of delivery in the first altrasound is true. According to the expert, however, it depends on the condition of the pregnant woman. If he/she has any problem, it is difficult to find out his/her correct delivery date.

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