Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Fact Check: Eat apple on empty stomach during migraine, will you get instant relief? Know what the doctor has to say

Migraine is a slightly more dangerous form of headache. Patients suffering from this face many types of problems, like they feel severe pain only on one side of the head. Sometimes conditions like vomiting and acidity also occur. But what if you know that this problem can be eliminated by eating just one apple? This claim is being made in an Instagram post.
But how much truth is there in this? Is this an empty claim? Such doubts might have arisen in your mind too, to answer these the Vigilant Fact Check team has contacted the doctor. Below you will find the answer and also the post with the claim.

Antioxidants and Acidity

In the Instagram post being talked about here, it has been said to eat apple only when the first symptom of migraine appears. Due to which the pain can be cured in a short period. It is claimed that the antioxidants present in apple balance the acidity.

Headache is often associated with acidity. It is also said that the scent of green apple has a sedative effect. In the post, the author has claimed that he/she has been trying this method for 10 years and he/she is also getting benefits from it.

There is no scientific evidence

Pooja Shah Bhave (CDE, MSc CND, BSc FSN), Consultant Clinical Dietitian and Certified Diabetic Educator, Mumbai.
She says that such claims cannot be accepted without scientific evidence. Very little research supports this claim.

genetic neurological conditions

She believes that migraine is a genetic neurological condition that causes extreme pain. In this, problem is also felt due to bright light or sound.

relief from acidity

Dieticians believe that apples provide relief from acidity. Due to which, some relief is provided in the symptoms of migraine. he/she admitted that acidity levels are high in the morning and eating apple at that time does not trigger migraine.

high fiber diet

Migraine patients are advised to eat high fiber diet. Apple is considered a suitable fruit in this case also. It is a fiber rich fruit. But for migraine, not just apples but a balanced diet should be consumed.


In the investigation of the Vigilant Fact Check team, the claim that eating apples can cure migraine is considered to be half true. Experts believe that the effect of apple on migraine is true to some extent, but there is no scientific evidence behind it. Therefore the claim cannot be considered as complete truth.

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