Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Fact Check: Doctor admits, drinking clove water on an empty stomach gives 5 benefits including relief from diabetes.

Cloves kept in your kitchen not only enhance the taste of food, but also keeps your health healthy. It has been used as a natural medicine for centuries. Many beneficial benefits of its consumption have also been described in Ayurveda.

Something similar has been mentioned in one of the shorts available on the channel named @sehtsootra on YouTube. It is claimed that drinking clove water on an empty stomach in the morning not only provides relief from headache but also removes five problems like gas etc. You must know what the experts said about the claim during the investigation by the Vigilant Fact Check team.

Told in the clip, how clove water helps

It has been claimed in the YouTube short that drinking clove water on an empty stomach in the morning cures many diseases. It is told that clove water not only cures headache, but drinking it also improves digestion. Not only this, it has been told that it is also an excellent treatment for skin problems. And diabetic patients can also consume it.

There are many compounds in cloves that help in the production of insulin, which keeps the blood sugar level under control. Clove water also works to increase immunity. By consuming this you will be saved from getting infected by the virus.

doctor’s take

To find out the truth of the claim we Dr. Snigdha Vartak, Founder and Chief Consultant, Samanvay Ayurveda Clinic, Hyderabad. Talked to. he/she has agreed with this claim. According to him/her, even though clove is a spice, it is also known for its medicinal properties. Its function is mainly to balance the doshas like Vata and Kapha. It stimulates digestion and circulation.

How to consume cloves

According to the doctor, the easiest way to consume cloves is to drink clove water. Simply soak two to three cloves in 100 ml water overnight. Next day, heat it lightly and consume it on an empty stomach.

Benefits of cloves in Ayurveda

  • Clove has the ability to increase Agni. This helps in removing nausea, indigestion and bloating.
  • It has a hot nature, hence it reduces the coldness associated with Vata and Kapha imbalance.
  • Clove is an anti-inflammatory agent. It cures problems like arthritis and joint pain.
  • Clove helps clear mucus from the lungs. It is often used to treat cough, cold and asthma.
  • With its antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal properties, clove is helpful in strengthening the immune system.

doctor’s advice

Despite being beneficial, doctors advise to consume it in limited quantities. Especially people with bile imbalance should reduce its use. Because it is a hot spice, it can aggravate conditions like acid reflux or ulcers.

what was the conclusion

Made by the Vigilant Team The claim has been proven absolutely correct in fact checkAccording to experts, it balances Vata and Kapha doshas. It can be incorporated into daily routine to promote overall well-being.

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