Friday, January 17th, 2025

Fact Check: Coriander-cardamom water will ‘clean up’ the kidneys and liver, drink it 3 times a week!

To remain completely healthy, it is important that every body part is also healthy. Therefore, caution is often taken regarding heart, kidney and liver. The remedy of coriander and cardamom water is a part of such caution. In a clip on YouTube, it has been advised to take this water three times a week. It has also been claimed to cleanse the kidneys and liver.
The Vigilant Fact Check team is gearing up to find out whether this claim is hollow or contains complete truth. After talking to the doctor, the team has come to the conclusion that while there is some percentage of truth in the claim, it is a mistake to believe some things. Before knowing the whole thing, let’s take a look at the video.

Detox drink for kidney and liver

The video talks about cleaning the kidneys and liver like skin. The recipe for making coriander and cardamom water is also given in it. This video guarantees better functioning of kidneys and liver if consumed thrice a week. Coriander and cardamom water is considered the best detox drink for kidney and liver.

Antioxidants are beneficial

Rupali Mahajan, Nutritionist and Wellness Coach at Rupali Diet Solutions The antioxidants present in coriander and cardamom are considered beneficial. They believe that they also have diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can benefit the kidneys and liver.

Anti-microbial properties

The detoxifying and anti-microbial properties of coriander help in removing toxins from the body. Whereas cardamom acts as a natural diuretic and also helps in curing constipation.

self cleaning organ

Liver and kidney are self-cleaning organs of our body. The claim that it can be cured by drinking coriander and cardamom water 3 times a week is not true. These organs eliminate toxins from the body through metabolic process. Among these, remedies like coriander and cardamom water can be beneficial but they cannot become an option for a healthy diet and lifestyle or any kind of treatment.

Better for health but half truth

In the investigation by Vigilant Fact Check Team, the claim has been considered half truth. According to the doctor, coriander and cardamom water can benefit the kidneys and liver, but it is not right to tie its benefits to a single dose.

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