Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

Exam Stress: School children’s deteriorating conditions! 12th tension is happening in 9th, alerts should be alerted on new revelations

Exam Stress Studies: Till a few years ago, there was more tension among the 12th students preparing for board examination and engineering or medical entrance. With the changing pattern of studies and preparation, students are now getting hit from 9th class itself. Under the project of Uttar Pradesh Science and Technology Council (UP CST), LU research has also found its scientific evidence. It is being known in research that students who feel the stress of class 12th first are now feeling that kind of tension within class 9th.

Equal stress in students of 9th and 12th

During the research, cortisol hormones and melatonin hormones were examined for sleep to detect stress, their level was almost equal among the students studying in 9th and 12th. This research of Lucknow University has also been published in the Indian Journal of Pacificry.

Many types of investigation in study

Many types of investigation in study

Prof. of the Department of Zoology, who did research, Shaily Malik told that we asked many questions to 884 children from 13 to 19 years in many schools in the city. For example, when do you sleep, when do they wake up, at what time are they more active. The hormones were then examined from his/her saliva.

In this, the level of stress was found in the 9th and 12th children. The big reason for this is that parents nowadays start preparing for examinations like JEE and NEET from 9th.

Stress more during exams

Stress more during exams

Pro. Shaily reported that this research was done from 2023 to 2024. During this, children were examined twice. Once at the time of examination and the second time during normal studies. Most of the children found stress levels at the time of examination.

10% children sleep in school

10% children sleep in school

Research also revealed that only 40 percent of children get up early in the morning and their routine is regular. At the same time, ten percent of children were found, who remain active till late at night.

Such children sleep in school. In the investigation of their hormones, the pattern was also found upside down. Their melatonin is high during the day and the cortisol is low, while in normal children it is reverse.

Parents should take care of children like this

Parents should take care of children like this

KGMU’s psychiatrist Dr. Adarsh ​​Tripathi said that many parents only insist on children’s education, while it is very important for them to interact with sports, hobby and friends.

Some children only eat special things or eat more fast food. If it does not get complete nutrition, then mental health is affected. This can also cause stress. Apart from this, more screen time is also a major cause of stress.

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