Friday, February 14th, 2025

Every mother in India taunts her child with this taunt, you must have heard it at least once

You will also agree that Indian mothers are quite different but their nature and dialogues are quite similar to each other. Here are some such dialogues or taunts of mothers.

“Why did you get up so early?”

Now, this does not mean what you are thinking. When mother asks you this, you should already know that you have slept for too long. Your mother must have taunted you about your sleeping time. You will easily understand what this dialogue of mother means.

it’s 10 o’clock

it's 10 o'clock

Never believe your mother when she tells you a specific time to wake you up. This is a common trick of Indian mothers to give a jolt of panic to the whole house as soon as they wake up. Mothers often adopt this trick to wake their child up in the morning and Indian mothers are full of this quality.

“It is kept right there”

it is kept there

This is a sentence that no child has been able to understand till now. When the mother says that the thing is kept there, it means that now it is your responsibility to find it. Often mothers tell children to bring them a box from the kitchen but when the child goes there, he/she does not find anything there.

“Am I your mother or are you my mother?”

Am I your mother or are you my mother?

This sentence refers to a situation where a person wants to convey that it is not right to challenge his/her statement or disobey his/her orders.

This sentence is often used in family relationships, especially in mother-child relationships, when someone wants to clarify their rights or position. It is a way of exerting pressure to show that it is not right to disobey or question the elders.

“Have you no shame”

You have no shame

It means, “Aren’t you ashamed and embarrassed?” This sentence is often used when a child does not follow norms, etiquette or customs, and this results in rude or undisciplined behavior.

Mothers often expect obedience from their children. When children do not follow her instructions or expectations, mothers ask such questions to make the children realize their mistake and force them to reflect on their behavior.

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