First report of investigation reached CJI
The Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court has completed the first investigation in the case. his/her report has reached CJI Khanna. CJI Khanna can take a decision on this on Saturday. If the report supports the allegations, Justice Verma may be asked to resign or they may face the investigation panel.
Many such cases related to the judiciary were reported
The importance of this case is very high. At a time when people have lost faith in other government institutions, the judiciary needs to look absolutely clean. In the last few decades, there have been many cases related to the judiciary. Soumitra Sen, Judge of the Calcutta High Court, resigned during the process of impeachment against him/her in Parliament. he/she was accused of misuse of money. Delhi HC judge Shamit Mukherjee resigned after being accused of taking bribe. Sikkim High Court Chief Justice PD Dinakaran also resigned after allegations of corruption.
Case of Punjab-Haryana HC judge
A case was also reported against Punjab and Haryana High Court judge Nirmal Yadav. Cash was found at his/her door. The matter came to light in 2008 when an amount of Rs 15 lakh was mistakenly sent to his/her house, Justice Nirmaljit Kaur’s house. Now the Supreme Court is checking the cash at Justice Verma’s residence. The Supreme Court should take into account this 17 year old case.
The collegium gave a clean chit to Justice Yadav
In 2009, the Supreme Court Collegium gave a clean chit to Justice Yadav. She was transferred to Uttarakhand High Court, from where she retired in March 2011. But the CBI filed a charge sheet on him/her on the last day of his/her service. This case is still going on. Justice Yadav’s innocence has not been proved yet. Therefore, transfer is not a good idea to transfer it without being convicted.
Transfer game old after allegations!
The Supreme Court says that Justice Verma’s transfer is different from the in-house investigation. But there have been cases in the past where the judges were transferred after the allegations, but they were never convicted. This spoils the image of the judiciary. The Supreme Court should ensure that there is a fair investigation in the case of Justice Verma and the truth comes out.
The Supreme Court should also keep in mind that people have a lot of confidence in the judiciary. The judiciary should make every effort to maintain this belief. If there is corruption in the judiciary, then it will lose people’s trust in democracy. Therefore, the Supreme Court should take allegations of corruption seriously and punish the culprits.