Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

Due to not maintaining oral hygiene, hair grows on the tongue, a strange disease is Black Hairy Tongue.

Black Hairy Tongue Syndrome may sound strange to you but this disease is painless and does not cause any health problems. In this disease, small bumps start appearing on the tongue which are called papillae. When they grow long, they start looking like hair. This is a very rare condition and is seen in very few people. In this condition, the dead cells of the upper skin of the tongue emerge and come out due to which the tongue starts becoming thick. The problem of black hairy tongue can occur due to poor oral hygiene, tobacco consumption or some medicines. This condition can be controlled with better oral hygiene.
(All photos courtesy: freepik)What is black hairy tongue?

Mayo Clinic (Reference) Black hairy tongue is a temporary, harmless and fairly common condition in which the top of your tongue appears hairy. However, the material on your tongue is not actually hair and is not always black. It can be of other colors also. In black hairy tongue, small bumps start appearing on the tongue which are called papillae. As they grow, they start collecting food, bacteria and dead cells. This problem can be solved by regularly cleaning the mouth and tongue.

Symptoms of Black Hairy Tongue

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  • This is a harmless condition but black hairy tongue does not look good.
  • The color of the tongue is black but it can also be brown, green, yellow or white.
  • Feeling of hair or lint on the tongue.
  • Change in taste of mouth.
  • Bad breath.
  • If the papillae are large, nausea and a tingling sensation in the mouth may occur.
  • Sometimes you feel a burning sensation on the tongue. If the leg is black or has hair on it, it could be due to yeast or bacterial infection.

cause of black hairy tongue

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The causes of black hairy tongue are not always clear but possible causes include-

  • Changes in healthy bacteria or yeast in the mouth when taking antibiotics
  • Not cleaning mouth and tongue properly
  • dry mouth
  • consuming more soft food
  • Using mouthwash regularly. These contain oxidizing agents, such as peroxide, which can cause mouth irritation.
  • smoking tobacco
  • drinking too much coffee or black tea
  • drinking alcohol in large quantities and on a daily basis
  • some medicines
  • Having a condition that reduces the ability to fight cancer or HIV

Risk Factors for Black Hairy Tongue

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Not maintaining oral hygiene and consuming too much soft food which does not help in removing dead skin cells. All these cause black hairy tongue. Older men who smoke and who have previously had black hairy tongue are at a higher risk of this condition.

How to get rid of black hairy tongue


In the treatment of black hairy tongue, first of all you need to pay attention to your oral hygiene. If this does not solve your problem then you should contact your health care expert. They may give you some medicines. In serious conditions, doctors also recommend surgery.

  • Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth twice daily and also pay attention to cleaning your tongue. For this you can use a toothbrush or tongue scraper.
  • Medication: Black hairy tongue can also be treated with antibiotic and anti-fungal medicines, mouthwash or retinoids medicines (medicines related to vitamin A).
  • Surgery: If the problem does not go away, traditional and laser surgery is also resorted to.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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