Monday, February 10th, 2025

Drink tea made from these three things every day, you will see such an effect on your face that you will start drinking it daily

You must also be wishing that you get just one thing that can be applied or consumed to get rid of many skin related problems. Now I don’t know about things to apply or eat but today we are going to tell you about a tea that will remove facial problems and give you such a glow that you will start drinking it every day.

After hearing so much praise and benefits, you must be thinking what is so special in this tea that we are not stopping counting its benefits. So without delay, let us tell you what we are going to add to this tea. Let us make one thing clear beforehand that there are benefits of drinking tea leaf water mixed with cumin, coriander and fennel.

Mix these things in water

We are going to tell you about a tea, for which you need half a teaspoon of fennel, cumin and coriander. All you have to do is soak these three ingredients in a glass of water before sleeping at night and then after waking up in the morning, filter it and drink it. But remember, there is a time to drink it. You can drink this tea every morning on an empty stomach, which will also help in keeping the digestive system healthy.

For the perfect glow

For the perfect glow

This tea made from cumin, fennel and coriander is very beneficial in giving instant glow to our skin, which is a perfect summer drink especially for summers. Along with this, it is also beneficial in detoxifying our body. Let’s know more benefits of this beneficial tea.

acts like an antiseptic

acts like an antiseptic

This tea made from these three seeds is no less than a treasure of minerals and vitamins. Their antiseptic property works to solve many problems related to our skin. Also, cumin water contains potassium, calcium and manganese, which balances hormones and maintains oxygen levels, which work to give a healthy glow to the skin.

Beneficial in removing extra oil from the face

Beneficial in removing extra oil from the face

Those of you who have oily skin should definitely drink this tea every morning. The coriander present in this tea works to remove the oil accumulated on the face due to sun and sweat and also helps in cleaning the extra oil formed on the face.

Eliminates the problem of acne

Eliminates the problem of acne

In summers, we all face the most problem of acne, so to get rid of this problem, you can drink this tea every morning. This drink works to give a cooling effect to our skin, the coolness of which prevents acne from growing and helps in reducing spots and blemishes. Therefore, if you have acne on your face due to heat and sweat, then definitely drink this tea.

(Disclaimer: This article is for your information. Also remember that everyone’s skin is different, so do not forget to do a patch test before adopting any remedy. If your skin is sensitive or you have any kind of allergy, then first talk to a skin specialist. Use anything on your skin only as per their advice.)

See also: Scrubs for oily skin

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