Saturday, March 22nd, 2025

Dr. Apollo’s 4 remedies told, the smell of the mouth will be removed forever, yellow teeth will shine

Today, on March 20, World Oral Health Day is being celebrated all over the world. The purpose of celebrating this day by the World Dental Federation is to promote oral health. This day encourages people to adopt healthy oral care habits like brushing, flossing and regular dental checkups.

There are many problems related to oral health in which a major problem is smelling from the mouth, due to which many people suffer. This is called helitosis in medical language. This is a common problem, which can be caused by poor oral hygiene (mouth cleaning), some special food items, dry mouth, gum diseases or other health problems. Sometimes the smell of the mouth can also be a sign of diseases like digestive problems, infections or diabetes and kidney disease.

Dentist doctor at Apollo Hospital Sonia Bhatt said that many times the victim does not even know that she is suffering from the problem of smell from the mouth. For this you can do a small test. Close the fist of one hand and place 5 to ten seconds in front of the mouth. Snow your wrist. This will reveal.

Use floss and tongue scraper

Most people only brush for oral hygiene. Keep in mind that it is not going to work. Along with the brush, you also floss and remove the particles stuck between the teeth. Also use tongue scraper to clean the gib.

Measures to remove odor of the mouth

Chlorhexidine mouthwash

Chlorhexidine mouthwash

The doctor said that you should rinse chlorhexidin mouthwash for regular cleaning of teeth. This helps in eliminating dirty bacteria stored in teeth and gums.

Sugar free gum

Sugar free gum

According to the doctor, chewing Sugar Farin Gum is a great solution to get rid of the smell of the mouth. This helps in increasing the resin of the mouth. Dryness in the mouth smells in the mouth.

Dental check-up is necessary

Dental check-up is necessary

Apart from doing these measures, it is most important that you go to the dentist regularly for dental check-up. Your doctor, as per need, can detect your teeth cleaning, treatment and can cure it better.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and impact.

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