Sunday, September 29th, 2024

Distance from children made mother a heart patient, recognize the signs of Empty Nest Syndrome like this

After spending the whole life in raising children, when the children leave the city or country for career or after marriage, it becomes difficult for the parents to live at home without them. Especially mothers are unable to tolerate the distance from their children. At the last stage of life, when children need support the most, children leaving home hurts the parents so much that they become victims of ‘Empty Nest Syndrome’. They don’t understand what they should live for now.

To know more about ‘Empty Nest Syndrome’ we spoke to Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai. Psychiatrist Dr. Sonal Anand Talked to. She told that common women do not even know about ‘MT Nest Syndrome’. They don’t even know why their behavior is suddenly changing, why they get so angry, why they feel like crying unnecessarily, why they suddenly sweat so much.

What is ‘Empty Nest Syndrome’?

This is a mental illness in which a person experiences sleeplessness, sadness, stress and loneliness. If such symptoms appear, it is very important to meet a psychologist and get proper treatment. In the initial stage, ‘Empty Nest Syndrome’ can be cured only with counselling. But as the disease progresses, medicines also have to be taken.

The problem of ‘Empty Nest Syndrome’ is increasing rapidly among old parents. Children leave the city or country for studies or career and the parents are left alone. Women suffer from this mental illness more than men. They cannot bear being away from children. Men always stay out of the house, so children going away does not affect them much. But it becomes difficult for the woman to tolerate this.

Distance from children made mother sick

Distance from children made mother sick

Dr. Sonal Anand narrated the case of a mother whose blood pressure was not under control. Doctors could not understand why this was happening. When the case came to Dr. Sonal and he/she talked to the woman and understood her case, it was revealed that she was a victim of ‘MT Nest Syndrome’. Their problem is not related to the body but to the mind.

The woman told Dr. Sonal that she used to have no idea how her day would pass, but now she runs to the empty house. Earlier the household and children’s work would never end, but now I long to see the children and hear their voices. The children for whom they left their careers today do not have time for their mothers.

Menopause increases sadness

Menopause increases sadness

Menopause also comes in the life of women at about the same time when children have gone away from home. In such a situation, menopause acts as a trigger and the problems of MT Nest Syndrome increase. This sadness increases further in women during menopause. Due to hormonal changes their mood keeps changing rapidly.

Some women become victims of ‘MT Nest Syndrome’ after losing their husband. They cannot bear to lose their lifelong companionship. Many women become victims of ‘MT Nest Syndrome’ due to lack of attention from their husbands. The husband is busy with office work and friends, but the wife keeps suffocating in loneliness.

Blood pressure cured through counselling.

Blood pressure cured through counselling.

In the case that came to Dr. Sonal also, the woman was in the phase of menopause. The woman has two children. Mother left her career for the children. She devoted her entire time to the upbringing of her children, their education, husband and household responsibilities. When the children grew up, they started staying busy. The daughter got married and the son started working abroad. The mother could not tolerate the distance from the children.

Now they have no work to do. Husband remains busy with his/her work. After completing the household chores, she remains sad the whole day. The woman is sad that today she has no importance in the family for which she devoted her entire life. Everyone is busy in their own world. No one even has time to talk to them.

When the woman was counseled, her blood pressure started coming under control. The husband and children were asked to talk to the woman and make her feel good. Gradually the woman became normal as before. Now his/her health is good. Husband and children take care of them. The woman has also joined yoga classes to keep herself busy.

How to avoid ‘MT Nest Syndrome’

How to avoid 'MT Nest Syndrome'

Yoga is very useful in improving mental health. This helps a person understand himself and become emotionally strong. Like yoga, morning walk also helps in keeping mental health healthy. To keep themselves busy at this age, many people do the noble work of providing a good life to needy children or the elderly. This helps the needy and gives them spiritual satisfaction. If you can’t do anything else, keep animals or do gardening.

Instead of being sad at this age, you can think that now all the responsibilities have been completed, now the time has come to live for yourself. At this age, women should complete all those tasks or hobbies which they could not complete due to household responsibilities.

Family, friends, close ones remove loneliness. Meet friends and relatives in your free time. Go out with friends. Join hobby classes of your choice. Every woman should find her own ways to stay busy at this age.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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