Sunday, September 29th, 2024

Diabetes patients get tremendous benefits by consuming ragi flour, you should also know

The number of diabetes patients is increasing very rapidly every day. This disease occurs due to bad lifestyle and consumption of wrong diet. People suffering from diabetes should control their blood sugar level. Diabetic patients have to follow their diet very thoughtfully. The glycemic index tells how quickly a food can increase blood sugar levels.

In such a situation, if instead of wheat roti, roti made from ragi flour is eaten, it can prove to be a boon for them. Ragi is also called finger millet. Calcium, potassium, protein, carbohydrate, riboflavin, nicotine, thiamine, iron, folic acid and phosphorus are found in ragi. Due to low glycemic index of Ragi, it is a better food for diabetes.

According to Dr. Piyush Mishra, General Physician and Immunization Officer, North East District, New Delhi, If insulin is not used properly in the body then the blood sugar level becomes unbalanced, due to which the problem of diabetes arises. Blood sugar is negatively affected by foods rich in carbohydrates. Eating roti made from ragi has a positive effect on diabetic patients. The nutrients found in it improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

strengthen bones

Diabetic patients start having problems with weak bones. Important nutrients like iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are found in ragi. Especially due to presence of high amount of calcium, it strengthens our bones. Adequate amount of iron is found in it, which also removes the problem of anemia.

helpful in weight loss

helpful in weight loss

People suffering from diabetes find it difficult to control their weight. Eating ragi flour helps in weight loss.According to NCBI It is rich in fiber and protein. Consuming it prevents hunger for a long time, which controls weight.

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control blood sugar

control blood sugar

Polyphenols compound found in Ragi prevents diabetes. Besides, it also controls blood sugar in diabetic patients. Polyphenols are mainly found in vegetables, fruits and grains. It is a micronutrient. It acts as an antioxidant. Ragi is a gluten free food. By including it in your diet, high blood pressure can also be reduced.

reduce swelling

reduce swelling

The nutrients present in ragi reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. There is a possibility of infection due to swelling in the body. According to medical research, it has been told that eating ragi roti controls glucose level. Consuming Ragi, which is rich in so many nutrients, keeps the body healthy and keeps us away from many diseases.

protect from heart disease

protect from heart disease

Ragi flour contains high amount of fiber. It contains both soluble and insoluble fibre. The process of digestion slows down, due to which the sugar level can be controlled. Fiber is beneficial for heart health. By consuming Ragi, diabetic patients do not suffer from heart related diseases.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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