Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Delhi Police Exam Syllabus: What is the syllabus of Delhi Police? See topic wise subject list

Subject Topic general awareness Abbreviations (Short Forms), History, Culture, Geography, Indian Economy, Indian Constitution, Science, Current Important Events, General Politics, Scientific Research, Awards and Honours, Banking, Books and Authors, Important Days, Sports, Indian States and Capitals, Country capital and currencies etc. english Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/Detecting Miss-Spelled Words, Idioms and Phrases, One Word Substitution, Improvement of Sentence, Active/Passive Voice of Verb, Conversion into Direct/Indirect Narration, Shuffling of sentence parts, shuffling of sentences in two Passage, Close Passage, Comprehension Passage. quantitative trend Mixtures and Charges, Pipes and Tanks, Motion Time and Distance (Train, Boat and Stream), Mensuration, Trigonometry, Geometry, Time and Work, Probability, Algebraic Expressions and Inequalities, Averages, Profit and Loss, Number System, Speed, Distance and Time, Simple and Compound Interest, Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Data Interpretation, Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions, Relationship between Numbers, Square Roots, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixtures and Mixtures, School Algebra and Elementary Basic algebraic identities of causal numbers, graphs of linear equations, triangles and their different types of centres, congruence and similarity of triangles, circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents of two or more circles, degrees and radians. Measurement, Standard Identities, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Regular Polygon, Circle, Right Angle Prism, Right Circular Cone, right circular cylinder, sphere, hemisphere, rectangular parallelepiped, right angled pyramid with triangular or square base, triangular ratios, degree and radian measures, standard identities, supplementary angles, heights and distances, histogram, frequency polygon, bar-diagram, pi -chart. common sense Number Ranking and Time Sequence, Conclusions from Fractions and Time Sequence, Drawing Conclusions from Fractions, Figure Series, Problem Solving, Building Words, Numerical Operations, Symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation, Space Visualization, Drawing Conclusions, Perforated Holes/Patterns -Folding and Unfolding, Shape Pattern-Folding and Completion, Sequence Address Matching, Date and City Matching, Lowercase and Uppercase Letter/Number Coding, Decoding and Classification, Embedded Figures, Critical Thinking, Emotional Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Logical Sequence of Words, Arithmetical Reasoning, Situational Response Test, Coding-Decoding, Direction Sense Test, Analogy, Data Sufficiency, Clocks and Calendars, Statement-Conclusion, Logical Venn Diagram, Statement -Logic, Inserting missing letters, Puzzles, Alpha-numeric sequence puzzle, Space visualization, Local orientation, Visual memory, Observation, Semantic classification, Semantic series, Number series, Shape Classification, Shape Analogy, Prepositional/Number Analogy, Syllogistic Logic, Shape Classification computer basics Elements of Word Processing (Word Processing Basics, Opening and Closing Documents, Text Creation, Formatting the Text and its Presentation Features), MS Excel (Elements of Spread Sheet, Editing of Cells, Functions and Formulas)Communication Basic of Email, Sending/Receiving of Email), Communication, Internet, Services on Internet, URL, HTTP, FTP, Web Sites, Blogs, Web Browsing, Software, Search Engines, Chat, Video Conferencing, E-Banking.
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