Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

Cyprus fever is a type of bacterial transmission, know which animals are most afraid of its spread

Cyprus fever or brucellosis is a bacterial infection in which you may experience flu-like symptoms. This condition is caused by Brucella bacteria and this bacteria is seen more in animals. Therefore, if you consume anything obtained from animals infected with this bacteria, like milk etc., then you can also get infected by it.

If it is not treated timely, its complications may increase and in future you may face arthritis and heart related diseases. People whose immune system is weak are more at risk.

You may also get this common fever due to its symptoms but its causes are different. Its treatment is also possible. So let us know more about this situation.


Its symptoms may seem like common flu, so you may make a mistake in identifying it. If you are suffering from this fever, you may have to face symptoms like fever, chills, muscle pain, weakness, sweating, headache, joint pain and back pain etc. Some serious symptoms include stomach ache, loss of appetite and weight loss etc.



The main cause of this fever is a bacteria called Brucella. This bacteria is often found in animals. Even if you consume things that come from infected animals, you can still be affected by it. It is mostly seen in animals like pigs, dogs, goats, cattle and camels.

risk factor

risk factor

If your immune system is weak then you can easily fall prey to this fever. This virus is prevalent in countries like Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Mexico, so if you live here, you may have to face it. If you consume unboiled milk or other dairy products, your risk may also increase.



If this disease is not caught on time and its treatment is not started, then you may have to face many serious symptoms and complications. These complications include heart-related problems. You may have to face diseases like arthritis in the future and you may also have to face brain damage.



This fever can be easily treated. To cure this, your doctor will give you some antibiotics to take. You will have to take these medicines continuously for 6 weeks. During this time your symptoms will start reducing on their own. You also need to take some precautions like always drink boiled milk. Avoid meat that may be from an infected animal so that the infection does not spread to you. If you follow all these tips, you can avoid this disease.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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