The content creator has described a very effective recipe for making hair beautiful and dense, using which he/she has also shared the video. This hair wash will give your hair a glow that it will look as if Ketarin is done. Also, it can also be beneficial in accelerating hair growth. Let’s know what things we need to make this hair wash.
What to make a hair wash?
- Water- 1 glass
- Rice- 3 teaspoons
- Cloves- 3-4
- Fenugreek seeds- 1 teaspoon
- Coffee- 1 tbsp
- Shampoo-1 packet
Prepare recipe like this

- First of all, wash and clean 3 teaspoons of rice with water.
- After this, put a glass of water in the pot and add rice, cloves and fenugreek seeds to it.
- Cook all things well for 2-3 minutes until the color of the water turns yellow.
- Sieve the prepared water in a big bowl and then add coffee to it and mix it well.
- You will see that the color of the water has become black-chocolate.
- Now add 1 packet shampoo and mix it well and then wash the hair after this water cools down.
Content creator explained the benefits of prescription

This recipe of your hair Hair growth Will work to speed up, prevent hair fall and make them silky-shainny. You should use this recipe once a week and then see how your hair becomes many times beautiful.
(Disclaimer: The information and claims of the prescription given in the article are completely based on the video published on Instagram. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and effect. Be sure to consult an expert before trying any prescription.)