Friday, February 7th, 2025

Cockroaches have started coming out of the kitchen drain in the rain, say Goodbye to Cockroaches in this way

As soon as the monsoon season arrives, various types of insects start appearing. Some are crawling and some are flying. Now, if a cockroach is seen near the drain mesh while cooking in the kitchen, then the whole day of the woman gets spoiled. They are the main reason for spreading dirt. Along with infection, they also cause food poisoning by contaminating the food items.

Cockroaches enter the house from any water drain. They make their home in the drain and soon increase their army. If you are also seeing cockroaches in the kitchen, then pay attention to closing their path. Therefore, we are giving you some home tips with the help of which you will get rid of cockroaches.

Safeda Sirfa

Vinegar is very useful to get rid of cockroaches. You have to make a solution by mixing white vinegar and water in equal quantities. Now pour this prepared solution in the drain and get rid of the cockroaches. By doing this remedy, cockroaches run away and the entry of new cockroaches also stops because the smell of vinegar does not allow them to come inside.

Baking soda

Baking soda

Cockroaches can also be got rid of with the help of this white powder. For this, you have to sprinkle baking soda in the kitchen drain. Now sprinkle it and leave it overnight. Actually, cockroaches do not like its smell at all. Therefore, once they leave the house, they will not come back again.

bleaching powder

bleaching powder

Bleaching powder is the best option to get rid of cockroaches in the kitchen drain. For this, sprinkle a lot of bleaching powder around the drain. And cover the drain with something, do not use water for some time, so that the drain does not get wet. By doing this, insects die. By doing this remedy at least once a week, not only insects die but there is also no problem of bad smell.

hot water

hot water

Cleaning is also important to prevent cockroaches from entering through the kitchen drain. Cockroaches coming out of the drain come due to dirt or leaking of the pipe. Therefore, pay attention to the leakage of the pipe, cleaning of the pipe from time to time is also very important. Detachable pipes can be cleaned easily, but if it is steel, then clean it using hot water. For this, heat a large amount of water and pour it over it. Close the drain for some time.

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