According to a Fortoon report, children in schools will be taught about AI’s basic things and ethics. Beijing Municipal Education Commission has announced that the city’s schools can include AI’s education in subjects like Science and Information Technology. he/she also has the option to teach AI as a separate course. The commission has also described a plan to make a long course of AI. They will create an AI education system, help schools and promote AI learning.
184 schools selected for AI program in China
China considers AI education very important to start early. They believe that if this is done, it will help him/her to be at the forefront of the AI industry. In December last year, the Ministry of Chinese Education selected 184 schools across the country, where AI program was to be taught as a pilot program. Later there was a target to spread this education across the country. China’s Education Minister Hui Jinpeng emphasized the importance of AI. he/she described it as the ‘golden key’ of the country’s education system.
Officials believe that starting AI’s education quickly will bring new ideas in technology. This method of Beijing may be inspired by Hangzo’s Jhejiang University. The university has given big take leaders like Deepsek founder and CEO Liang Wenfeng and Unitree’s Wang Jingshing. By including AI in schools, China wants to create a new generation of AI experts. Deepseek is already seen beating chat JPT like AI.