Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Chaos due to extreme heat! 150 Delhiites died in 48 hours, funerals suddenly doubled at Nigambodh Ghat

New Delhi: Delhi is battling deadly heat. This extreme heat has put people’s lives at risk. People are falling prey to heat stroke not only outside the house, but also inside the house. In the last 48 hours, 116 patients have been confirmed to be brought dead (death before reaching the hospital) in major hospitals of Delhi, while 30 patients have died due to heat stroke and heat related illness. However, heat is not being considered the direct cause of death of the brought dead patients. Experts also believe that so many brought dead patients do not come in such a large number in a day, somewhere the cause of death can also be heat.

Deadly heat increased tension

Delhi first experienced heat wave conditions between 22 May and 4 June. Then it has been continuing from 17 June till now. For the first time in this summer, a heat stroke unit was set up at RML hospital. Here, cooling with cold water was arranged to reduce the fever of heat stroke patients. Dr. Seema Vasnik, head of the emergency department, said that people are not taking heat stroke seriously. On Tuesday, an 82-year old woman was brought in with high grade fever. She had no blood pressure. She was having difficulty in breathing. She was on ventilator. She was in a very critical condition; we could not save her.

Dr Seema said that people are coming with fever ranging from 102 to 107 degrees. When a patient stays with such fever for a long time, the enzymes of his/her body stop working and it affects all the organs of the body. Such a patient cannot be cured completely. She said that 5 new patients came on Wednesday, out of which three are women. One of them was working in a house. Her owner felt that she was not well, she had fever. When she was brought here, she had fever up to 105 degrees. But now she is fine.

what are the doctors saying

Dr Chand Wattal, microbiologist at Gangaram Hospital, said that people are also suffering from diarrhoea at this time, which can be viral or bacterial. Water-borne bacterial infections such as cholera, shigella dysentery or non-typhoidal salmonella occur and should be treated only with ORS, which are easily available these days. If the person can take it by mouth then it is the best treatment. If there is excessive diarrhoea then one should go to the doctor.

30 deaths in three days due to heat in Noida-Ghaziabad! Death figures are frightening

17 brought dead in RML hospital

From May 27 till now, 45 heat related patients have been admitted in the hospital, out of which 9 have died. In the last 24 hours, 17 brain dead patients have been confirmed in the hospital. This means that the patient had died before reaching the hospital. There can be many reasons for the death of such patients. But the administration says that such a large number of brain dead patients do not come. 12 brain dead patients were also brought to Lady Harding.

9 deaths in Safdarjung Hospital

So far, 42 patients have been admitted for treatment at Safdarjung Hospital due to heat related illnesses. Of these, 27 patients were admitted earlier, in which the death of 4 was confirmed. 15 patients were admitted on Wednesday, in which 5 have died. That means a total of 42 patients were admitted and 9 have died. However, the hospital administration says that out of the 5 deaths that occurred on Wednesday, two deaths were found to be as per the NDMC’s standard for heat stroke. Thus, the total number of deaths due to heat stroke has become 7. Of those who died on Wednesday, one was a 55 year old woman from Sangam Vihar and the other was a 45 year old man from Noida.

The condition of Delhi government hospitals

In the last 48 hours 87 brain deaths have been confirmed in 37 Delhi government hospitals. In this the highest number of brain dead patients have been confirmed in DDU (41), LNJP (20), LBS (15), Babu Jagjivan Ram (4), Deep Chand Bandhu (6) and 1 at Indira Gandhi hospital. In the last 48 hours 310 heat related patients were admitted out of which 122 were discharged while 14 died. The death of 6 patients has been confirmed in LNJP, 4 in GTB, 1 each in Baba Saheb Ambedkar, Deep Chand and Indira Gandhi.

The organization claims that 192 homeless people died between 11 and 19 June

According to the Center for Holistic Development (CHD), 192 homeless people have died in Delhi between June 11 and 19. According to CHD, a total of 348 people have died in June so far. The organization also claims that 80% of the dead bodies that cannot be identified are homeless. However, according to the report, 371 people died in May last year and 277 deaths occurred in June. During the Covid period, 255 deaths occurred in May 2020 and 356 in June. There were 259 deaths in May 2021 and 255 in June. There were 354 deaths in May 2022 and 451 in June. 371 deaths occurred in May 2023 and 277 in June.


Funerals suddenly doubled at Nigam Bodh Ghat

The number of bodies brought for cremation at Delhi’s Nigam Bodh Ghat has suddenly increased. On Wednesday, 118 bodies were cremated at Nigam Bodh Ghat (till 7 pm), while on Tuesday 97 bodies were brought for cremation. MCD officials say that usually 55 to 60 bodies are brought here for cremation every day.

MCD officials say that the situation was normal till two days ago. In the last two days, the number of cremations has increased drastically. Officials said that from June 1 to 17, a total of 937 bodies were cremated at Nigam Bodh Ghat. According to these figures, an average of 55 to 60 cremations were done every day. However, in the last two days, a huge increase was seen in the number of bodies coming to Nigam Bodh Ghat. On Tuesday, 97 bodies were cremated at Nigam Bodh Ghat. On Wednesday, the number of bodies increased to 118. Out of these, 99 bodies were cremated with wood and 19 bodies were cremated with CNG.

In Delhi, the cremation of unclaimed bodies is done at the cremation ground in Sarai Kale Khan area. For the past few days, 10 to 15 bodies are being brought here every day. On normal days, on an average, only 6 to 7 bodies are brought here for cremation.

presswire18 TimesUP: 21 people died of heat stroke in Bundelkhand within 24 hours, Nautapa’s bad effect seen

BJP attacked Delhi government over death due to heat stroke

Delhi BJP state president Virendra Sachdeva and state spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor have countered the statements of Delhi government’s Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj. BJP leaders say that people are dying of heat stroke in Delhi during the scorching heat and the government is not concerned about it. There is no arrangement for heat stroke patients in any of the Delhi government hospitals. There is no facility of water, fan or cooler in the night shelters. People are leaving the night shelters and taking shelter in other places.

According to state president Virendra Sachdeva, due to scorching heat and strong sunlight, cases of heat stroke are increasing rapidly in Delhi. But, the Delhi government does not care about it. Therefore, many people have died so far due to heat stroke and heat related diseases. Street vendors, labourers, rickshaw pullers, cart pullers and auto drivers are falling prey to heat stroke and heat related diseases. The government has left them to their fate. So far, about 14-15 cases of death due to heat stroke have been reported. Sachdeva says that in such times, the night shelters built by the Delhi government to protect from the scorching sun and heat are also of no use. There is neither a fan nor a cooler in them, there is not even drinking water in the night shelters. Delhi state spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor cornered the government on the issue of heat stroke. he/she says that heat stroke patients could have been treated in Mohalla Clinic or MCD clinic. But 70 percent of Mohalla Clinics are not functioning. There is no facility for such patients in MCD Health Clinic.

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