Sunday, October 6th, 2024

BJP missed the majority but voters gave a message to all parties… Understand from the experts

New Delhi: The results of the Lok Sabha 2024 general elections have come and no single party has got an absolute majority. In 2014 and 2019, BJP was easily getting a big majority on its own strength. This time BJP has remained away from the majority. This time NDA government will be seen in the true sense. Political analysts say that after the last ten years, PM Narendra Modi has the experience of running a coalition government for the first time and its political impact will also be seen in the Parliament. It should be expected that in the coming five years, there will be meaningful discussions in the Parliament and the public will benefit from it.

‘The real victory of democracy’

Professor Sanjay Kumar of the Center for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) said in a special conversation with NBT that the mandate of 2024 is the real victory of democracy. It is also a message for all parties. There is also a message for BJP. he/she said that the public has expressed a clear opinion for BJP that the issues related to them cannot be ignored. According to BJP, issues like temple, Article 370 have certainly done a great job but all these have their place but the issues related to the everyday life of the public should also be given importance. Ignoring issues like unemployment, inflation can be harmful for you, which is being seen right now.

Congress is still alive, these 5 political messages came out from Lok Sabha election results 2024

Message for the opposition too

CSDS Professor Sanjay Kumar said that if we talk about the opposition, then there is a message for the opposition that if you keep raising the issues of the public, then the public will support you and the way Samajwadi Party, Congress and other parties have performed well, in a way it is going to boost their morale. In response to a question from NBT, Professor Kumar said that this mandate is the victory of democracy. Another aspect of this is that now in the new Lok Sabha too, there will be a majority government, majority government means there will be an NDA coalition government but at the same time a strong opposition will also stand there. Due to this, the system of running the country’s power will be seen running more smoothly.

How will the parties take this message

Prof. Kumar said that the way we saw earlier that there was no long discussion in making laws, passing many bills. Many times one-sided decisions were taken, now there will be a healthy debate and discussion in the Parliament. Overall it seems that there is a good mandate, there is a message for all the parties. Now the question is how the parties read that message, now it is their responsibility to read that message and act on it.

presswire18 TimesFrom Ram Mandir to the path of development, PM Modi’s 10 bets due to which NDA achieved a ‘hat-trick’ of victories

For the first time, Modi has the experience of running a coalition government

Political analysts say that for the first time after ten years, BJP will run a coalition government in the true sense. Earlier, it was a coalition government but BJP had its own majority. In a way, for the first time, PM Modi will have the experience of running a coalition government. All coalitions will have to be taken along. Along with the opposition, allies should also be taken along. For this reason, it can be said that this time there will be more rounds of talks. To run a coalition government, there will have to be regular consultation and dialogue with the alliance parties. The role of the opposition will also be important.

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