Bihar Board 12th Result 2025 Pass Percentage: How many close to which stream
Stream | Total pass percentage |
Arts | 82.75 percent |
Commerce | 94.77 percent |
Science | 89.66 percent |
The highest pass percentage of commerce was 94.77 percent. At the same time, 1280211 lakh candidates had appeared in Bihar Board Inter Exam, out of which 117330 students have passed. Overall, this time 86.50 percent of the candidates have been successful in Bihar 12th class board examination.
Also read- Who are this time Bihar board toppers? Girls top in all three streams
Bihar Board Inter Result 2025: How many passes last year?
Talking about the results of Bihar Board 2024, the pass percentage of girls last year was more than boys. 88.84 percent of the girls had successfully passed the inter examination 2024. At the same time, the pass percentage of boys was 85.69. Overall, the pass percentage of students was 87.21. See also the pass percentage of all three streams …
Stream | Arts | Commerce | Science |
Girls | 88.7% | 96.91% | 89.71% |
Boys | 83.17% | 93.86% | 86.73% |
Total | 86.15% | 94.88% | 87.80% |
Bihar Board 12th Result Direct Link- Bihar Board 12th Result 2025 Download Link
Let us know that in the last few years, in 2024, the pass percentage of students and students of Bihar Board Inter was 87.21 percent. At the same time, 83.73 percent in 2023, 80.15 percent in 2022, 78.04 percent in 2021, 80.59 percent students in 2020 passed 12th standard. At the same time, there have been topper girls of all streams.