Bengali actress accuses director Arindam Seal of making her sit on his/her lap

On one hand, new and shocking revelations are being made about sexual harassment of actresses in the Malayalam film industry, on the other hand, voices are being raised against it in Bengali cinema as well. Recently, a Bengali actress accused famous director Arindam Seal of sexual harassment, after which the director said in his/her defense that he/she had misbehaved unintentionally. After this statement, the actress got very angry and said that now she will take legal action against the director. According to the complaint of the Bengali actress, this incident is of April 3. When she was shooting for the TV serial ‘Ekti Khuneer Sandhane Khuneer’ in a resort. Then director Arindam Seal asked her to sit on his/her lap. She was surprised to hear this. When she refused, Arindam forcibly threatened her and said, ‘I am saying… sit down.’ Hearing this, she got scared and sat on his/her lap. After this, he/she kissed her on the cheek.

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The actress will take legal action against the director!

The Bengali actress said that there were many people present there at that time, standing, but everyone was smiling. Arindam was behaving as if nothing had happened. When the actress got angry with his/her action and talked to him/her about it, Arindam said, ‘What happened, didn’t you enjoy it? And after all this, now he/she is saying that he/she did all this unknowingly! The actress called it disappointing and said that if the director is giving such statements, then now she will take legal action.

Arindam Seal denied the allegations

Let us tell you that director Arindam Seal had said in an interview to our colleague Times of India that whatever happened, happened unknowingly. If the actress is upset with this, then he/she apologizes. he/she also said that he/she has left everything on time.

Arindam has been suspended

Let us tell you that the actress had filed a complaint with the West Bengal Women’s Commission, after which she has been suspended from the post of DAEI (Directors Association of Eastern India).

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