Baloch National Assembly: Activists announce resistance against Pak government repression and China’s CPEC

Baloch rights activists have announced plans for a massive gathering and resistance initiative in Gwadar, taking a bold and challenging step against the ongoing genocide and exploitation in Balochistan.

Mehrang Baloch, a prominent Baloch rights advocate, declared the upcoming event as a Baloch National Assembly, which will begin on July 28.

“The Baloch National Assembly will be a historic public referendum against the Baloch genocide, exploitation of the Baloch coast and resources in the form of so-called mega projects, and turning Balochistan into a prison in the name of security, and it will also be the beginning of a powerful public resistance,” Mehrang Baloch said in a statement on X.

The announcement comes at a time when tensions are rising in Balochistan over decades of repression, which activists describe as akin to colonial rule imposed on Balochistan. The region, known for its rich natural resources, has been the focus of development initiatives such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). However, local residents denounce these projects, alleging they provide little benefit and lead to widespread deprivation.

“Balochistan has endured seven decades of tyranny and oppression reminiscent of colonial rule. Despite being the indigenous inhabitants of this land for millennia, the Baloch people live under constant threat, facing enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and economic marginalization,” the Baloch Yakjehti Samiti said in a post on X.

Criticism is also levelled at development claims made by the Pakistani government, particularly in Gwadar, which is considered the main hub of the CPEC. However, Gwadar residents suffer severe infrastructure deficiencies, including a lack of clean drinking water and erratic electricity supply amid scorching heat.

“State-promoted development has only exacerbated our plight, turning our homes into prisons, while our ancestral lands are being exploited for economic gain,” the post said, highlighting the contradiction between the state-promoted development narrative and the ground realities.

The upcoming Baloch National Assembly aims to mobilise mass support against state-sponsored repression and economic exploitation by activists. The event aims to unify Baloch voices in a collective demand for justice, autonomy and recognition of Baloch national rights.

“We refuse to remain silent amid the suffering of our people and the systematic erosion of our cultural and economic heritage. The Baloch Solidarity Committee invites all Baloch citizens to join us to launch a unified movement against oppression in Gwadar,” the post read.

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