Thursday, March 27th, 2025

Arabian dish shakshuka is very famous, but Priyanka Meena’s Indian style will make heart happy

Shakshuka (Shakshuka) not everyone in India will know about this special dish. Which is a dish found in countries of North Africa. It is also famous in parts of the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Whereas Shakashuka is considered one of the national cuisine in Israel. Actually Shakshuka is a Maghrebi dish, here the word Shakshuka in Maghrebi Arabic means.

In Shakshuka, tomato sauce is added to boiled eggs, chillies, onions, garlic, and many types of spices. Have you ever thought of making this foreign dish in Indian style. If not, then the recipe of content creator Priyanka Meena will be very useful for you. he/she has described the eggs by saying bye-bye, the trick to make Idli Shakashuka.


  • Mustard oil
  • A bowl chopped onion
  • Green chili, red chili powder
  • Coriander powder, turmeric and salt
  • Paneer, Garnic, Curd

First step

First step

First of all you have to pour chopped onions, green chillies and tomatoes after heating the mustard oil in a pan. After mixing things, when it is a little cooked, then the bassic spices have to be added. As long as you cook, add chopped tomatoes, cheese and garlic buds in a mixer grinder. Now we will add this paste to the mixer cooking on the gas.

Second step

Second step

Now let the mixer cooking on the gas remain like this and prepare a sugary batter. For this, take a bowl of semolina and add curd to it. Now you have to spread this batter over the mixer, like breaking the egg. It will cook in a short time, after that you put fenugreek seeds and chili tempering in the oil and put it on Shakshuka. It will be ready as soon as you garnish with green coriander.

Wage shakshuka will be made like this

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