Thursday, February 13th, 2025

After delivery, should the head be covered even in summer? Know what advice the doctor gives

During the nine months of pregnancy, women have to take care of many small and big things along with their health. The matter of taking precautions does not end here, rather women have to take care of their health even after delivery. You must have often seen that after delivery, women are asked to tie a cloth on their head.

Have you ever wondered why it is called this? Some people believe that there may be wind after delivery, hence the new mother should remain covered. Even though it is summer, a new mother should keep her head covered. Pediatrician Madhavi Bhardwaj has shared a post regarding this on Instagram.

All photos courtesy: freepik

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Does it feel like air?

Doctor Madhavi told that she has a new mother She had come with her newborn baby. She said she felt like she was having a fever. The doctor noticed that a cloth was tied over his/her head and that the baby was also wrapped in layers of clothes during the summer season.

what did the doctor do

what did the doctor do

Doctor of both mother and child layers of clothes It was reduced and the temperature became normal within 15 to 20 minutes. The doctor asked him/her why he/she was wearing so many clothes in such hot and humid weather. To this her mother-in-law replied that whether the delivery takes place in summer or winter, the mother is afraid of getting wind. Anyway, if there is an injection in the spinal cord, it is important to keep it covered.

effect of general anesthesia

effect of general anesthesia

The doctor said that in the spinal cord anesthesia It does not cause back pain. In many other surgeries, spinal anesthesia is given but in that the patient is not asked to remain covered. Therefore, do not ask the mother to remain covered due to anesthesia.

Why does back pain occur?

Why does back pain occur?

This question arises in the minds of new mothers that after delivery Anesthesia is not the cause of his/her back pain. On this, Dr. Madhavi said that back pain can occur due to wrong posture, sitting for a long time to feed the child, not taking adequate nutrition or deficiency of calcium, vitamin D etc.

All photos courtesy: pexels

Why do cramps occur after delivery?

Why do cramps occur after delivery?

The doctor said that muscle cramps after delivery are due to lack of some nutrients in the diet. The doctor advised new mothers to take special care of their health.

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