– When women are pressed on everything, I feel very bad. We say that women should get equal rights, but it will not happen suddenly. You cannot suddenly say to a man to start respecting women. You will have to give this conditioning to your sons and home men from childhood. Now as is eating food on the table in the house, then the boys of the house should also be asked to set the table, training to participate in the housework and you have to learn to give equality or respect to women from your home.
Women are usually called superwoman, who are super women for you?
-My housewife is a superwoman. But if you want to give them proper respect and credit, it should start from home. If you have a son at home, he/she will have to teach him/her and all children how a mother, housewife, handles the entire house. Husbands only go to the office and come home, but the duodenum works for 24 hours, seven days a week. he/she does not get a week off for even a day. Even if they want, they do not get a holiday. I understand that society should consider him/her as Queen of the House i.e. the queen of the house. I keep my thinking very high for housewives and hope that people should think the same high and those who do not think so should start thinking. I have seen my mother and grandmother as a housewife and she has always been a perfect housewife. I consider these people to be superwoman. They are also engaged in spirituality, so they are equally skillful in household works. I have seen my mother, the skill with which she handles the house, can also read my mind. he/she has given many sacrifices for us and his/her work goes on continuously. When I was in school, she still carried out every household work from my studies and writing, today when I am in films, she listens to all the household chores as well as my dialogues. Helps me in my interviews.
You have a fan following of more than 9.7 million on Ada Instagram, you get a lot of love on social media, but don’t you think the over is exposed?
– No, I do not think like this. I consider it a platform where I can connect to my fans. I keep posting by taking random videos. I am thankful to my audience, which they have accepted me as me. I do not have to be artificial in front of them. I am an animal lover, so I keep posting videos of elephants, dogs, cats etc. I do not come with filters on social media. Now as I have scattered hair at the airport or I have dark circles, I do not hide them. People should also know that we are also human and how can we feel without makeup. The more real you are on your social media, the better, otherwise you are caught at some time or the other.
Nowadays, apart from a few films, no film has been able to show amazing at the box office? Could not perform any box office prevention. Reason?
-My home is all scientists in the house and I believe in science a lot, then the most great principal of science is, is Einstein’s REARAM Theiram, Hyzenberg’s Improvement Principal and
Aerose’s importance is theory, then the thing to think is that when the theria of well-known scientists based on facts, figures and research, talks about the theries, improibability and impossibility (relativity, uncertainty, impossible), what is the film industry? Now see, when two people who are very different from each other, fall in love, but the same two people cannot fall into the pyre of the other two people. You make a film, which people like very much, but then you will make a film like that, then people may not like it. I mean to say that when science does not have an answer, how will the film be with Uddyog? I do not consider any evil in this, what we are unable to prevent, it is magic, isn’t it?
About 17 years ago today, you started your career from Vikram Bhatt since 1920 and now you are once again seen in this fresh film with her, how much have you been as a director actor?
When our film came to 1920 in 2008, the horror was known for the erotic content. Scary films used to have sex based scenes, but Vikram Bhatt brought horror with a love story in 1920. It was my first film. I am very lucky, which went to the film and now I am in my swear with Vikram Bhatt. Vikram Bhatt is a director who does a lot of pamphlets. They work very lovingly. They are a very funny person. Vibes are always positive on the set. I always wait for them to go on their sets. The specialty of this film is that it talks about men’s masculinity and women’s fertility. These are the subjects that women from all over the world face. My swear is also a similar film that is based on the real story of Dr. Ajay Murdia, who runs the country’s largest IVF series, but all its women characters are very strong. My character is quite strong.