Tuesday, February 11th, 2025

A sweet thing a million times more powerful than sugar, jaggery will not stand in front of you, eat it with pleasure in diabetes, sugar will not increase.

DiabetesInsulin resistance, obesity, heart disease, cancer, sugar can cause many dangerous diseases. Jaggery is eaten in villages, but city people are also being harmed by jaggery. Then what to do, give up eating sweets? Not at all, you just need to eat the right sweets. A sweetener, it is a million times healthier than sugar and the glycemic index of jaggery is also higher than this.

The biggest thing is that this sweet powder can be consumed by diabetics and sugar will remain under control. Research also says that taking this sweet can reduce diabetes. It is called Lucuma powder, which is made from Lucuma fruit. This fruit can also be eaten raw but it is not easily available.

Lucuma is a fruit native to South America, which has a strong green colored peel. The yellow colored pulp gives dry texture and sweet flavour. When seen from inside it looks similar to sweet potato. Its powder can be easily purchased online.

Lucuma powder is healthier than sugar

There is nothing in the name of nutrition in regular sugar, it is full of pure fructose. By taking it, blood sugar increases suddenly and can lead to diabetes. But Lucuma powder, despite being sweet, increases sugar less. because it Full of complex carbs It happens. It is filled with many nutrients which other sweeteners do not provide.

sweet and strong

sweet and strong

This protein in powder Gets it. Both the fibers which keep the stomach healthy are available. This fruit, which provides vitamin C and antioxidants, increases gut bacteria. Due to which digestion improves and stomach related diseases remain away. Along with this, iron, calcium, potassium, niacin etc. are also available.

Beneficial in diabetes also

Beneficial in diabetes also

Being low glycemic, Lucuma powder does not cause sudden blood sugar spikes. One test tube research The blood sugar reducing properties of this powder have been seen to be similar to anti-diabetic drugs. It prevents the formation of enzymes that cause sudden spikes in blood sugar.

Glycemic index as high as vegetables

Glycemic index as high as vegetables

Some reports suggest that Lucoma powder has a glycemic index of 4 to 25, which is comparable to that of green vegetables. However, no official source provides information about this. The National Institutes of Health studied one brand and described this powder as a low glycemic sweetener. For this reason, it can be taken without any worry in diabetes but keep the quantity balanced.

Benefits of Lucuma Powder

Benefits of Lucuma Powder

It can be used like normal sugar. It is also used in making ice cream and desserts. Its antioxidants help protect against many diseases. Polyphenols help in keeping the heart healthy.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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