These scholarships not only reduce the cost of your studies but also give you networking opportunities. Before applying for scholarship, please check the eligibility criteria. Documents like letter of recommendation, personal statement, academic records are also required at the time of application. You will also get information about scholarships in the university where you are going to study. Let us know about the top-5 scholarships available in Canada.
Study in Canada Scholarship (SiCS)
Study in Canada Scholarships provide an opportunity to study at Canadian post-secondary institutions under a short-term exchange program. Students from Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Latin America can take advantage of this scholarship. The scholarship will also cover administrative costs of 500 Canadian dollars. Students will also get tuition fees, accommodation and travel expenses from the scholarship amount. (Pexels)
Vanier Canada Graduate Fellowship
The Vanier Canada Graduate Fellowship is ranked among the most prestigious scholarships in Canada. This fellowship is for doctoral students who demonstrate leadership potential and a good academic record. Students who receive the Vanier Canada Graduate Fellowship receive 50 thousand Canadian dollars annually for three years. (Pexels)
Benting Postdoctoral Fellowship
If a student is pursuing postdoctoral research in Canada, he/she or she can apply for the Benting Postdoctoral Fellowship. This is very good for those students who are financially weak. The Benting Postdoctoral Fellowship is awarded 70 thousand Canadian dollars annually for two years. (Pexels)
Quebec Merit Scholarship
Scholarships are also given to foreign students in the Canadian state of Quebec. Quebec Merit Scholarships are available for master’s programs through to postdoctoral research. Funding is managed by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec. (Pexels)
Ontario Trillium Scholarship
Many states also offer scholarships to study in Canada, which includes Ontario. Ontario Trillium Scholarship is given by this state of Canada. This scholarship is for foreign doctoral students. Students who receive the Ontario Trillium Scholarship receive 40 thousand Canadian dollars every year. (Pexels)