Thursday, December 26th, 2024

The baby in the womb may have the problem of cleft lip due to some medicines, know how to prevent it.

When the baby is growing in the womb, the doctor checks its heartbeat every month. Apart from this, ultrasound is also advised to the pregnant woman in the third, fifth and seventh months. All this is done to check the growth of the child. That is, whether the baby in the womb is developing properly or not. However, in some cases, there is a deficiency in the body structure of the child. Especially if there is a defect in the facial structure of the child, then the child’s lip or palate remains cleft. Among all the disorders that occur from birth, cleft lip or palate is the most common and many times it is passed on from parents to the child. May happen to. Cleft lip is a big problem but its treatment is possible. Doctors bring the child’s appearance back to normal through surgery.
(All photos below courtesy: freepik)

Symptoms of cleft lip

ncbi (Reference) According to Cleft Lip, it is detected after the child is born.

  • Cleft lip or palate affecting one or both sides of the face.
  • The lip may be less cleft or it may go through the cleft lip to the gums and lower part of the nose.
  • Cleft palate so that it does not affect the facial features.

In rare cases the submucous soft palate is incised. It is located in the back part of the mouth. Because it is covered, it cannot be detected. Its treatment is possible when symptoms appear. There are some types of symptoms of submucous cleft palate.

  • trouble swallowing
  • talk through nose
  • frequent infections

Causes of cleft lip

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The problem of cleft lip occurs when the cells of the mouth and face of children are not formed properly. In the second and third months of pregnancy the cells forming the palate fuse together. In children who have cleft lip and palate, the cells do not join together and even if they do join together, they leave a small space. According to experts, the problem of cleft clip can be due to genetic and environmental reasons. Women take certain medicines during pregnancy, those medicines also increase the chances of the child having cleft lip.

Complications of cleft lip

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Children born with cleft lip may have difficulty eating and drinking. Breastfeeding such children after birth is also a very difficult task. Because of this, children are not able to drink milk properly. The doctor can also suggest some other methods of feeding the baby. Such children may also have trouble speaking. They often have fluid behind their eardrums which can affect their hearing. Some children also have problems with their teeth.

cleft lip treatment

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Cleft lip is treated by surgery. Apart from this, doctors also resort to therapy to cure other problems. With this surgery, the facial structure of the child can become normal and he/she can eat, drink and breathe properly. This also improves the child’s speaking ability. However, wounds take a long time to heal. Apart from this, nerves can also get permanently and temporarily damaged.

Remedy to prevent cleft lip

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By adopting these measures the risk of cleft lip in children can be reduced.

  • genetic counseling
  • Multivitamin intake before and during pregnancy
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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