Monday, December 16th, 2024

HRT increases risk of breast cancer, heart disease; How important is it to take hormone replacement therapy after menopause?

Women themselves do not know about menopause

Most of the women in India do not even know that there is any treatment like HRT which can be beneficial for their health after 40. Common women know about menopause, but have no idea about the problems caused by it.

Like periods, awareness about menopause is also important. With this, women and their families will be aware of the physical and mental problems faced by women after the age of 40. Awareness about menopause can make the journey after the age of 40 much easier for women.

What is HRT and why is it given?

What is HRT and why is it given?

As soon as menopause begins, there is a deficiency of estrogen hormone in the body of women. To compensate for this deficiency, they are given HRT. HRT is a type of combination pills. These contain a combination of estrogen and progesterone hormones. The amount of HRT is determined according to the woman’s need.

HRT prevents weakening of bones in women. Helps in controlling mood swings and anxiety. But not all women can be given hormone replacement therapy.

Before giving HRT to any woman, doctors check the health history of the woman and her family. If there is a history of breast cancer or stroke in a woman’s family. If a woman has uterine cancer, then HRT cannot be given to such women.

Which women are given HRT?

Which women are given HRT?

If a woman has premature menopause or early menopause before the age of 40, she may need hormone replacement therapy. The bones of such women become weak quickly. In these, signs of menopause like excessive sweating, nervousness, insomnia are more visible. Despite this, first it is checked whether the woman or her family has any history of cancer or stroke. If so, then HRT is not advised to such a woman.

HRT can also be beneficial for women who suffer from empty nest syndrome, depression, mood swings during menopause. But how much HRT is to be given to which woman, the doctor decides after looking at the medical history of the woman.

Every woman should be aware of the signs of menopause such as weakening of bones, mood swings, excessive sweating, nervousness, insomnia. If these signs are increasing too much then the woman is given HRT.

Risk of cancer from HRT

Risk of cancer from HRT

Many women take HRT to hide their age or increase sexual desire. In such a situation, the doctor first sees whether the woman really needs HRT. The doctor decides how much HRT is to be given to which woman, keeping in mind the health background and needs of the woman.

Giving estrogen hormones can increase a woman’s chances of developing endometriosis cancer. Therefore, doctors do not give HRT unless it is very necessary. Keeping in mind the medical history and needs of the woman, the doctor decides whether she should be given HRT or not.
If the age of a woman is 49 to 51 years and she wants to take HRT, then in such a situation the help of counseling is taken. If a woman’s uterus has been removed and after that the woman shows signs of menopause, then first the medical history of the woman and her family is checked. The woman is counseled. Only after that the decision is taken whether to give HRT or not.
If a woman sweats a lot, feels nervous, cannot sleep, her mood changes frequently, then considering her medical history, a decision can be taken to give HRT.

How to reduce the signs of menopause?

How to reduce the signs of menopause?

Signs of menopause are visible in every woman, but its effect is less visible on those who have a good lifestyle. The signs of menopause can be controlled to a great extent with a healthy diet, good sleep, regular yoga and exercise.

HRT and oral contraceptive pills work in almost the same way. Women whose periods are not regular or who have PCOD problem are advised to take contraceptive pills.

Phytoestrogen diet is beneficial

Phytoestrogen diet is beneficial

To avoid the problems of menopause, women can take the help of phytoestrogen i.e. naturally occurring estrogen. Natural estrogen is available from coarse grains, dry fruits and fruits. By including these in their daily diet, women can reduce the problems caused by menopause to a great extent.
Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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