Friday, March 28th, 2025

These 3 things act like poison in diabetes, even testing increases blood sugar

The number of people suffering from diabetes is increasing all over the world. But no temporary cure has been found for this serious disease. It can be controlled only with the help of proper diet and healthy lifestyle. Experts advise people suffering from this to pay more attention to their diet. They believe that whatever diet a diabetic patient takes has a direct impact on his/her blood sugar level.

According to experts, even a small negligence in eating habits can increase the blood sugar level when one has diabetes. If the early symptoms of diabetes are detected, then diabetes can be kept under control by taking proper diet and precautions.

In diabetes, such foods should be included in the diet whose glycemic index level is very low. In such a situation, the consumption of some things can act like poison for a person suffering from diabetes.

Avoid refined flour and white bread

According to the American Diabetes Association (Reference.) Diabetes patients should not include foods like rice pasta, white flour, refined flour or white bread in their diet even by mistake. All these white things work to increase the sugar level. Along with this, refined flour is also considered dangerous for diabetes patients. Because simple carbohydrates are found in them, which break down very easily and turn into glucose. This is the reason why it promotes diabetes.

Fruits with high glycemic index.

Fruits with high glycemic index.

Fruits like banana, cherry, grapes, mango have a high amount of natural sugar and are included in the fruits with high glycemic index, which is dangerous for diabetic patients. Also, avoid consuming cold drinks even by mistake in diabetes. Otherwise your blood sugar level can increase rapidly.

Dairy products

Dairy products

Consuming milk and other dairy products also increases blood sugar. Avoid consuming dairy products like milk, curd and cheese. Because they contain high fat content, which increases the cholesterol level in the body. Therefore, diabetic patients should stay away from these things.

To control diabetes, patients must eat soaked almonds

Avoid eating red meat

Avoid eating red meat

Diabetic patients should stay away from red meat because it takes a lot of time to digest, due to which the body’s metabolism also gets affected. In such a situation, these patients should not consume it at all. Apart from this, things containing natural sugar like arbi, jimikand, sweet potato, potato, jackfruit are also no less than poison for them. On the other hand, fruits like banana, cherry, grapes, mango have high amount of natural sugar and they are included in the fruits with high glycemic index, which is dangerous for diabetic patients. Also, avoid consuming cold drinks even by mistake in diabetes. Otherwise your blood sugar level can increase rapidly.

tea or coffee

tea or coffee

Most people start their morning with tea or coffee. But diabetes patients should take special care that drinking tea or coffee can increase blood sugar level. If you have to drink tea in the morning, then you can consume green tea or sugar free black tea instead. You should avoid all foods containing caffeine during diabetes. Not only tea and coffee, but milk and other dairy products also increase blood sugar. Avoid dairy products like milk, curd and cheese. Because they contain high fat content, which increases the cholesterol level in the body. Therefore, diabetes patients should stay away from these things.

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