Success Story: Family made him/her miserable by marrying him/her at the age of 11! Now Ramlal will become a doctor after passing NEET

Married at the age of 11, left behind 6 month old daughter in Kota

Ramlal’s family lives in Ghosunda village in Rajasthan’s Chittorgarh district. his/her family forcibly got him/her married in the sixth grade when he/she was just 11 years old. At the age of 18, his/her wife gave birth to a daughter, when Ramlal was just 20 years old. Ramlal went to Kota to prepare for the NEET exam just six months after his/her daughter’s birth.

Studied in government school till 10th standard

Studied in government school till 10th standard

Ramlal studied in the government school of his/her village till class 10th. he/she was not sure which subject he/she should choose for further studies – Arts, Commerce or Science. One of his/her teachers saw his/her good grasp on Science and advised him/her to choose Biology as his/her subject.

The teachers knew that Ramlal was afraid of mathematics. After taking biology as a subject, Ramlal decided to become a doctor. he/she started living in a hostel in Udaipur and studied in a government school there till class 12th.

The family told me to quit my studies, but I still didn’t give up

The family told me to quit my studies, but I still didn't give up

Ramlal prepared for his/her first three NEET attempts on his/her own. In these attempts, he/she scored 350, 320 and 362 marks respectively. After failing in the third attempt, his/her father and family wanted him/her to quit studies and start earning.

However, Ramlal did not give up. he/she wanted to rest only after passing the NEET exam. Seeing his/her determination, his/her family decided to send him/her to Kota.

Ramlal said, ‘Since becoming a doctor was my only aim, after failing in the fourth attempt, I decided to make the fifth attempt and decided to stay in Kota.’

Year 2022, fifth attempt, Ramlal’s NEET score

Year 2022, fifth attempt, Ramlal's NEET score

Ramlal said that during the preparation he/she kept himself away from mobile phones. he/she did not even resort to online studies. Whenever needed, he/she used to talk to his/her parents and wife from a friend’s keypad mobile. Finally, in his/her fifth attempt, Ramlal succeeded in NEET by securing 632 marks out of 720.

To fulfill Ramlal’s dream of becoming a doctor, his/her father took a loan. his/her mother sold her jewelry. Ramlal is now reaping the fruits of his/her hard work. he/she aims to join politics after completing MBBS and serving the people.

Ramlal spoke on child marriage

Ramlal spoke on child marriage

In an interview, Ramlal talked about his/her experience of child marriage and said that marrying at a young age has been an old common tradition in the village. Initially, he/she was very excited about it because he/she was getting so much importance and new clothes but later with time, he/she realized that this tradition should stop.

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