Tuesday, December 17th, 2024

Women get more tired than men due to the deficiency of this mineral, pay attention to the symptoms

It is important to have adequate amount of calcium in our body. Its deficiency turns the body into a skeleton. 98% calcium in the body is stored in bones. Calcium is needed to keep teeth, muscles and nerves healthy. Its deficiency can lead to osteoporosis.

Although it is a very small mineral, most women do not get enough of it. Whereas women need it badly due to hormonal changes. Especially during menopause.

Let us tell you that low calcium level and hypocalcemia can give rise to many diseases, so every woman should be aware of the signs of calcium deficiency. Here are 5 such signs that point towards calcium deficiency.

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Bone deterioration

Bone pain and stiffness is the first and most important sign of calcium deficiency in women. Poor bone health means that there is no longer enough calcium left in your body. Due to the deficiency of this mineral, women become victims of osteoporosis.

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foods that provide calcium

Teeth problems

Teeth problems

Lack of calcium in the body also affects the teeth. Inadequate calcium weakens the teeth. Even after maintaining good oral hygiene, lack of calcium makes the teeth sensitive.

getting tired quickly

getting tired quickly

Many believe that stress causes fatigue. But in the case of women, it is their body Depends on the amount of calcium present in the body. American Psychological Society According to , due to low calcium levels, women feel lethargic, have muscle cramps, and feel tired.

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Yellowing of nails

Yellowing of nails

Yellowing and breakage of nails is a sign of calcium deficiency in women. Women whose calcium level is less than required, their nails start breaking easily. Increasing calcium level in the body can provide relief from this problem.

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Period pain

Period pain

Pain during periods is also associated with calcium deficiency. Due to hypocalcemia, many times women also have to go through the symptoms of PMS. In such a situation, the dose of calcium can be increased by talking to the doctor. photo credit: unsplash Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot be a substitute for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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