Friday, March 28th, 2025

Lack of fiber in America: 30% people are not taking enough diet, problems in weight loss

Fiber is as important for our body as protein and vitamins, but a large number of people in America are not consuming sufficient quantity. Recent research of National Health Service (NHS) (RefereeAccording to), 30% of American citizens are not including enough fiber in their diet, affecting their weight loss process.

Fiber not only makes the digestive system strong, but also plays an important role in weight loss. Its deficiency not only increases obesity, but also leads to many health problems. This research suggests that if a diet containing fiber is included in the daily diet, weight loss can be easier.

If you are also trying to lose weight, but not getting the desired result, then it is possible that your diet is lacking fiber. Let us know how the fiber works and what problems can cause problems. (Photo Credit): ISTOCK

What is fiber and why is it necessary for the body?

The fiber is a type of complex carbohydrate, which does not digest easily in the body but helps to keep the digestive system healthy. It is of two types-

Soluble fiber: It dissolves in water and forms a gel and helps to control blood sugar and cholesterol.

Insoluble fiber: It improves the circulation of food in the stomach and prevents problems like constipation.

Why does fiber deficiency cause problems in weight loss?

Why does fiber deficiency cause problems in weight loss?

If the body does not get enough fiber, then hunger is quickly, due to which people start consuming more calories.

-This slows down metabolism.

-The process of boat burning is affected.

-The fat starts accumulating in the body due to intelligence imbalance.

Which foods are good sources of fiber?

Which foods are good sources of fiber?

If you want to increase the amount of fiber in your diet, then include these foods:
-Fru: Apple, Nasapati, Banana, Orange
-The vegetables: spinach, broccoli, carrots
-Sabut Grain: Brown Rice, Oats, Quinoa
-Cia seeds and nuts: almonds, walnuts, linseed seeds

Health problems due to fiber deficiency

Health problems due to fiber deficiency

Lack of fiber can lead to many serious health problems, including:

– Constipation and indigestion – Lack of fiber affects the digestive system.

– Danger of heart disease – It helps in controlling cholesterol.

– Blood sugar imbalance – can increase the risk of diabetes.

– Obesity and uncontrolled weight gain – Hungry is high, which increases the amount of calories.

What to do to take the right amount of fiber?

What to do to take the right amount of fiber?

According to Dr. Surendra Kumar, MBBS, General Physician, New DelhiConsuming 25-30 grams of fiber daily is necessary. To ensure this:

-Eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of prosecuting food.
-Priority to sarcastic grains.
-Drink more water, so that the fiber can digest properly.

Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and impact.

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